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Hans Poliman
Ade Adhari


As a democracy, every citizen is allowed to participate either directly or indirectly in order to express his or her opinion on government policy, with what has been or will be decided by the government that is considered unfair to society. Of course, in expressing opinions, every citizen has an obligation and responsibility to obey all the provisions of the laws and regulations that have been set. One of them is respecting the generally recognized moral rules. One case that is being hotly debated related to the use of bikinis during demonstrations is Dinar Candy. For her actions Dinar Candy was designated as a suspect with an alleged case of pornography and act of nudity that was criminally charged with Article 36 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 44 of 2008 concerning Pornography. For his actions many from among institutions, the community to legal experts who reap the pros and cons of this. Therefore, this study will learn more about pornography and Indecent exposure, fulfilling or not the elements of article 36 of the Pornography Act reviewed from the case of Dinar Miswari, and the assessment of norms of decency in the community. This research paper presents a normative juridical approach with the study of library materials while data management is conducted in deductive analysis.

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