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Angelica Valencia
Raja Oloan Tumanggor


Bullying incidents often occur in various circles and result in long-lasting emotional wounds. Psychological well- being is defined as a feeling of well-being which is divided into six dimensions, including: positive relationships with other people, self-acceptance, personal growth, mastery of the environment, purpose in life and autonomy. Self- Esteem is described as self-esteem or confidence in how a person evaluates himself. The aim of this quantitative research method is to determine the relationship between psychological well-being and self-esteem in victims of physical bullying. This research with 200 participants (59 men and 141 women) used the Psychological Well-Being measuring instrument which has 27 statement items divided into 6 dimensions: (a) self-acceptance; (b) positive relate; (c) autonomy; (d) environmental mastery; (e) purpose in life; (f) personal growth); and (g) the Self-Esteem measuring tool which has been adapted by Alwi and Razak which has three aspects: (a) physical self-esteem; (b) social self-esteem; and (c) performance self-esteem) which consists of 10 statement items using the SPSS version 27.0 application. The research produced a positive correlation test with Sig. 0.000 < 0.05 which means that if a person's Psychological Well-Being is high, that person's Self-Esteem is also high. It was also concluded that the most dominant dimension of Psychological Well-Being was the Positive Relations dimension with an average value of 2,885.

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