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Siti Fasha Rahma
Adi Ismanto
Kris Wardhana


Museums serve as institutions that collect, maintain, research and exhibit objects that are evidence signs of natural and human evolution for study, education, and recreational purposes. The museum has an educational and recreative program, so that the collection objects on display must be adapted to global development issues in accordance with the character of visitors who are targeted by the museum. Currently, the Z generation is the dominant global generation that closely follows the trend of technological development. Generation Z as part of the target museum visitors, technological developments must also be a consideration in interior design with contemporary exhibition media following global developments. Interior design and optimization of permanent collection exhibition media with a case study of Jakarta Wayang Museum aims to create a museum concept in a conservation building that can follow the trends and developments of design and target visitors today. The interior design process begins with data collection and observation methods. Then proceed with quantitative and qualitative analysis to be used as the basis for the design concept. The results of the design of the Jakarta Wayang Museum found that the optimization of exhibition media for the permanent collection of the Jakarta Puppet Museum which is interactive and modern is able to meet the preference criteria of visitors dominated by generation Z with 85% answering that interior design and exhibition media are very interesting and contemporary. The composition of modern spaces that contrast with colonial conservation buildings also supports the creation of museum facilities that are more attractive and able to meet museums that are educational and recreative.

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