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Maria Yessy Rhema Wijaya
Eve Antoinette Ichwan
Swabodi Rusli
Adi Ismanto


Indonesia is a rich country that has natural resources in the form of oceans, beaches and land which, if managed well, can provide enormous benefits for the Indonesian state and people. At the end of 2022, the Indonesian government will officially revoke PPKM so that community mobility will become more dynamic, which will have a positive impact on economic growth, especially in tourism areas, where the recreational needs of urban or urban communities are still very high, looking for tourist areas with good natural potential. Some of the natural tourism potential in the region can even be optimized, through processing information and promoting tourism potential through social media, one of which is the Cibuntu Tourism Village, Cirebon city with the aim of improving the quality of nature conservation and improving the regional economy as well as creating employment opportunities for the local community. in line with one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agendas initiated by the United Nations. Qualitative descriptive methods are used in this research to describe the SWOT analysis which can then be used as a reference parameter to produce designs and explore ideas to solve the problem of increasing information and promotion through social media. The results obtained from this research are a poster design and digital information that will be published via social media using the Tik-Tok, Facebook and Instagram applications. The results of the poster design and information received a response with the result that 30% had never heard of the Cibuntu Tourism Village, 60% received easy information from the poster design and promotions on social media and 66.7% thought it could increase visits to the Cibuntu Tourism Village. Apart from that, 30% of respondents are interested in visiting and 20% will probably visit the Cibuntu Tourism Village. From the results of this research, it is hoped that it can become a reference for Cibuntu Tourism Village managers, local governments and also tourists to obtain alternative information on potential tourist areas.

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