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Maulydia Fitriani
Deandra Nur Alyshia
Andara Nabila Tifani
Fransisca Iriani R. Dewi


This research is qualitative research, using a descriptive method. The formulation of the problem studied is about the self-esteem of adolescents who experience body shaming in adolescent boys. The focus of this research is three young men aged 19-20 years who experience body shaming covering aspects of self-esteem, power, significance, wisdom, and competence. This study aims to describe self-esteem in adolescents who experience body shaming in male adolescents.  Through this interview process we could see similarities between the three, namely that they had experienced low self-evaluation due to body shaming behavior. However, the three participants were supported by having quite high dimensions of power and competence in self-esteem. Based on the background of this research, in general female teenagers tend to experience decreased self-esteem more easily due to body shaming. The results of this study indicate that there is a change in the self-esteem of men who experience body shaming from low to high, where this can be seen from the aspect of strength in self-regulation and influencing others, the aspect of meaningfulness where adolescents feel physically not unique and the aspect of ability namely the inability of adolescents to show their potential in public, based on these three aspects, adolescent self-esteem is quite high.

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