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Stephanie Natasya
Kristoforus Nugrahanto
Sri Tiatri


The rapid globalization makes cultural exchange easier. The society quickly absorbed and adapted the foreign products and cultures. Korean culture is one of them. Korean culture has become one of the main trends in Asia, not least in Indonesia. Youthful and healthy skin are one of the most dominant aspects of Korean celebrities. That aspect becomes the main impetus for fans to link Korean celebrities' appearance to Korean skincare. In fact, most of the cosmetic industry is based on the insecurities we feel about our own faces, skin, and bodies, especially women. They are willing to spend hours applying various cosmetic and beauty products, in order to maintain a beautiful appearance, believing that cosmetics will make a big difference in their lives. In fact, those products can never fully fulfill what they want. This finally leads to further psychological impact, namely body dissatisfaction. The purpose of this study is to examine how much the percentage of obsession with Korean beauty standards plays a role in causing body dissatisfaction. In addition, the researcher added, how much that leads to excessive skincare buying, and what type of beauty product is their preference. Participants are teenagers with an age range of 18-24 years. The method used is a quantitative method, by distributing questionnaires through social media and offline. Participants were 205 female adolescents at the age between 18-24. The method used is quantitative method, by distributing questionnaires through social media and offline. Data were processed using SPSS and analyzed using linear regression. The results showed that obsession with Korean beauty standards contributed 57.6% in causing body dissatisfaction, and 3.1% in causing excessive skincare buying behavior. Beauty products that dominate participants' preferences are Korean skincare products (42.4%).

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