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Titis Cesara Putri
Maulana Hadita Putra
Hendrizal Aganta
Fransisca Iriani R. Dewi


Part-time job is familiar activity among the students. There are many reasons for students to work part time while on their studies. Many students take part-time jobs while studying to pursue a bachelor's degree. However, there are several consequences that they have to face. Some of them are include the need to complete more tasks, should checking the right times, and the ability to adapt to distinctive environment. A lot of insignificant demands between part-time work and the world of college often cause stress for the individuals who live in it. Therefore, the researcher interested in exploring the stress coping experiences of students who work part-time. This study uses interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) qualitative methods. The number of participants are three people and chosen with purposeful sampling method and homogeneous sampling based on the three criteria. The results of the study found ten themes, namely: (a) The purpose of working part-time; (b) The benefits of the subject's part-time work; (c) The impact felt by the subject; (d) The constraints felt by the subject; (d) The pressure felt by the subject; (e) The demands felt by the subject; (f) The source of the subject's stress; (g) Coping stress; (h) Problem solving; (i) The source of the subject's coping.

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