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Zamia Safira
Zamralita Zamralita
Rismiyati E. Koesma


Indonesia has been impacted significantly by the COVID-19 pandemic. Although COVID-19 has a high death rate, there are survivors who have recovered after being in the ICU. The ICU has the potential to be a frightening experience and may lead to the development of traumatic feelings in COVID-19 survivors. So, there is a possibility for those who are treated in the ICU for COVID-19 to experience symptoms of PTSD, which is commonly known as PTSS. PTSS is a condition that occurs when severe stress interferes with daily life functions after a traumatic event. Typically, these symptoms persist for more than one month. These symptoms can include re-experiencing, negative cognitive and mood, avoidance, and hyper-arousal. This study aims to provide insight into the prevalence of PTSS among COVID-19 survivors who received treatment in the ICU. Researchers used convenience sampling and a mixed-methods approach with an embedded design, focusing on implementing QUAL(quan), as the research design. The study involved 16 participants for quantitative data and 6 participants for qualitative data. The results indicate that the level of PTSS among COVID-19 survivors receiving ICU treatment in Indonesia tends to be low. There is a tendency toward avoidance in the group that exhibits PTSS.

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