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Jesslyn Valeskal
Suzy Azeharie


The Oxa Yoga Community is a community whose members share the same passion, namely yoga. This community has a gathering place for yoga activities, namely at the Oxa Yoga studio in Jakarta. This research was made to find out verbal and nonverbal communication that is formed between members of the Oxa Yoga community in Jakarta. The theory that used in this research is communication theory, verbal communication theory and nonverbal communication theory. This research approved being used is qualitative with the case study method. The data analyzed were obtained from interviews with informants and from direct observation. The results obtained are in the Oxa Yoga community communicating both verbally and nonverbally to members of the community, forms of verbal and nonverbal communication in the Oxa Yoga community such as chanting mantras before yoga, having special greetings, gift exchange rituals carried out by the Oxa community, and calling other members of the community to form a culture within the community. Communication that exists between members of the community goes well verbally and nonverbally.

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