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Sharon Amanda Liana
Jap Tji Beng
Sri Tiatri


“Many children, much fortune” is a sentence that is believed by some people in Indonesia. In addition, ethnic groups in Indonesia also consider children to be able to pass on culture and heritage from one generation to another. But as time goes by, Indonesian people find it easier to access information from abroad. One of this information is the childfree phenomenon which has been developing in western countries since 1972 and was first used by the National Organization for Non-Parents. Indonesian people are starting to consider the childfree concept as an option. The aim of this research is to get an overview of the decision-making process with the main aim being the reason why women decide to be childfree. Researchers will discuss how women in Indonesia decide to be childfree in an environment that does not support this. The research method used is qualitative narrative which will be analyzed using thematic techniques. Participants are three women who live in Indonesia and have decided to be childfree. The findings show there are various reasons why women decide to be childfree. The strongest reasons that emerge from them are incompatibility with the role of mother, mental and financial unpreparedness, as well as environmental reasons such as a world that is overpopulated or a world that is unstable so they don’t want their children to live in an unhealthy environment.

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