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Natasha Kezia
Fransisca Iriani Roesmala Dewi


During the pandemic, student involvement decreased because face-to-face or offline learning changed to online. Gratitude is a person's feeling of gratitude for the things that exist in his life, gratitude has an influence on student involvement. Previous studies have examined the relationship between gratitude and student engagement. However, previous research has not explained teacher feedback as a mediator. This study aims to determine the effect of gratitude on the involvement of junior high school students with teacher feedback as a mediating variable. The type of research used is correlational quantitative research. The participants in this study were teenagers aged 12-14 years. Researchers used a technique of distributing questionnaires containing questions that had been prepared previously for the sampling technique. The type of questionnaire used was a closed questionnaire, in which participants answered with the answer choices provided. The measuring instruments used in this study were the Gratitude Questionnaire to measure gratitude, the Student Engagement Instrument to measure student engagement, and the Teacher Feedback Questionnaire to measure feedback given by teachers to students. Based on the results of the analysis using the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) Model from Lisrel 8.8, it was found that the feedback given by the teacher as a mediator to students affected students' gratitude. In this study it was not proven that gratitude affected student involvement, nor was it proven that teacher feedback as a mediator had an effect on student involvement.

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