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Clement Hussy
Jap Tji Beng
Rahmiyana Nurkholiza
Sri Tiatri


During adolescence, individuals who experience this period are expected to experience good physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional maturity. One of the abilities that individuals have when experiencing the transition to adolescence is the ability to empathize. Empathy is a feeling that individuals have in understanding and feeling the feelings of other people. Previous research shows that individuals who have high feelings of empathy enable them to behave altruistically. Altruistic behavior is behavior carried out to improve the welfare of others without expecting anything in return from others. However, not all teenagers can experience cognitive and socioemotional maturity well. This research aims to find out whether there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and altruistic behavior in adolescents in Batam City. Observations and interviews were carried out by the author at one of the schools located in Batam City. The participants in this study were 207 high school students in SMA XY High School Batam. Batam is a city that is rapidly developing industrial city, which individuals of productive age fill as workers. Data collection for this study was conducted by spreading questionnaires. Data were processed using the SPSS software. The results show that there is a correlation between emotional intelligence and altruistic behavior in students in SMA XY High School Batam. Apart from that, more than 72% of students gain an average level score of altruistic behavior. This research can be used as a reference for future research. Moreover, this research can also give knowledge and insights to the readers regarding altruistic behavior.

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