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Arlen Giovani
Muhammad Taufiq


The post-pandemic situation creates new challenges that change the lifestyle of people, including Indonesia. Lifestyle changes that can be seen include more frequent cooking your own food. This causes the culinary sector to decline in demand for products, a shortage of human resources with cooking skills and the uncertain development of the culinary business. Based on a lifestyle change study by Nielsen, 49% of respondents in Asia admitted to cooking more often than before the pandemic. Therefore, this new lifestyle has created a new challenge towards the culinary industry to be creative in making unique food which can then be applied to the culinary business. Culinary schools need to be designed according to the requirements to accommodate the activities and also implement a modern atmosphere. A lounge room is needed to serve unique food at a developing culinary school in Jakarta. Maison Bleu School, which was founded by Chef Hendry Ramala Hutama, located in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, is a place for people to learn, namely creating and improving businesses in the culinary sector. Through the application of modern elegant interior design, it can create a place for people who have expertise in the culinary field to learn. The method used is a qualitative method equipped with field observation data and literature studies to support the author in providing relevant datas. In the process of implementing this interior concept, it is hoped that it can produce a design that is comfortable and can meet the user's needs optimally.

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