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Angelica Andarli
Aghastya Wiyoso
Andrey Caesar


In early growth and development, children are more open to learning many things and absorbing all forms of information. They are in a period where the brain develops rapidly in adapting to the surrounding environment and socializing with others. Early Childhood Education becomes an important institution and means of overseeing the child's growth and development process in the phase of environmental adaptation and recognition of others outside themselves; also the need to explore and develop his creativity. The interior of early childhood education facilities consequently needs to make optimal use of its interior elements to support these needs.  The interior elements of children's schools create a spatial atmosphere that corresponds to the function of their activities, providing the right stimulus to arouse enthusiasm, excitement, and interest in children's learning. The interior design of Blossom School located in Jakarta was carried out as a case study in the final project of interior design of public facilities emphasizing the creation of stimulus and atmosphere of space conducive to the child's learning process. Research activities as a support for this design process take the initial 4 stages of the design method from Rosemary Kilmer, based on literature data and field data from surveys. The purpose of Blossom School Interior Design which is focused on in this paper is related to the choice and application of colors and materials in children's learning spaces. The choice of color and material plays a role in the formation of the image and atmosphere of the space which is the next goal of this design. The results of literature studies and interviews determine the criteria for space that needs to be achieved: fun, providing security and physical, visual, and psychological comfort, and stimulating children's creativity and interest in learning and exploring. The results of the research recommendations for the use of pastel colors with the distinctiveness of visual characters that are not dazzling, fun, not scary, and motivate children to do activities happily and creatively that are accommodated in the spirit of childhood.

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