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Val Krishnaraga
Sri Tiatri
Jap Tji Beng


Modern learning has experienced many developments such as the digitalization of classes and the integration of production and education. One of these developments is the application of the Meaningful Learning concept by Ausubel. Meaningful Learning is learning that utilizes students' previous knowledge to build new, more in-depth knowledge. Meaningful Learning can be applied in Higher Education, namely in the form of Experiential Learning. An example the Merdeka Belajar Kurikulum Merdeka (MBKM) learning. MBKM consists of nine programs, where the author is focusing on discussing the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program in XY University, Indonesia. The aim of this research is to find out what factors influence the implementation of Meaningful Learning in higher education, especially in the KKN program. The research was conducted qualitatively, where the participants consisted of eight students who had taken part in the KKN program. Data was obtained through interviews and observation. Then the interview results were processed through thematic analysis. It was found that the environment, social support, and activities carried out can influence Meaningful Learning. In the case of eight KKN participants, a convenient and strategic location could help the participants' work productivity. Moreover, each group member can mix well so that the KKN program can run conducively. Lastly, the teaching program implemented in KKN helps participants to expand and deepen new skills such as classroom management and teaching. In conclusion, the factors that influence Meaningful Learning in Higher Education are the learning environment, social factors, and the programs implemented.

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