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David Hutabarat
Rostiana Rostiana


The background of this research is the increasing turnover of barista employees at company X and focus on the influence of work relationships on turnover intentions in company X. The work relationships referred to coworker relationships and superior-subordinate relationships. Continual turnover leads to organizational expenses and reduced performance. The workplace is not just a place where employees can earn money by performing their duties and responsibilities. The workplace should also be seen as an opportunity for fellow employees to interact and build social relationships. This research uses a quantitative method. The sample size in this study is 150 participants. The results of this study found a significant influence of work relationships on turnover intentions (p < .05), the influence of peer relationships on turnover intentions (p < .05), and the moderating role of organizational trust when it is in the low category in the peer relationship model on turnover intentions (p < .05). The conclusion of this research is that relationships with coworkers can help employees choose to stay in their jobs. This study also shows that there is no role of organizational trust in the model of the influence of peer relationships on turnover intentions. Vertical trust conflict (trust between employees and the company) with horizontal trust (trust among employees) can occur. If some employees feel distrustful of their company, they will be more cohesive and trust each other.

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