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Flia Rizka Tamelia
Fransisca Iriani Roesmala Dewi
Riana Sahrani


Divorce has various negative impacts on the lives of adolescents, one of the impacts of divorce is on their educational ambitions, but evidently not all children who experience parental divorce suffer a negative impact. There is a phenomenon where children who experience parental divorce are still trying to have educational ambitions in their lives. The purpose of this study is to see an overview of educational ambitions in adolescents who experience divorce from their parents. The participants in this study were five adolescents aged 17 to 22 whose parents had divorced. Through semi-structured interviews, the youth shared their personal experiences on how the experience of their parents' divorce shaped their educational ambitions. This study uses a qualitative approach (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). The data obtained and analyzed produced 3 themes, namely (1) Desire, (2) Self Action, (3) Planning for the Future. The results of this study are educational ambitions that are formed in adolescents who experience parental divorce because of the desire to have a higher education so that they can achieve what they want in the future. The desire for success that adolescents imagine in the future is formed because of the conditions they experience after their parents' divorce. The main impact of parental divorce that can make children have a desire to succeed is the tenuous relationship between children and parents which makes children feel neglected and ignored and the stigma about broken home children that they believe in and circulates in society so that adolescents want to prove that they can be successful even though with divorced parents.

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