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Simon Petrus Wenehenubun
Johny Natu Prihanto


This study aims to analyze the influence of lecturers’ perceived behavioral control on the intention to use the online system in teaching and learning. The impact of Covid 19 requires every university to provide learning support facilities, including the Learning Management System (LMS). Lectures need to make use of LMS effectively in achieving learning objectives. Data were collected using a questionnaire with a google form. There were 162 lecturers from various private universities in Jabodetabek. For the data analysis, we used structural equation modeling (SEM) PLS 3.0. The results revealed that the lecturers felt confident in using the LMS provided by the university. Lecturers have behavioral beliefs, normative beliefs, and control beliefs in facilitating learning for students. They do believe that the LMS provided by the university is effective in the learning process and makes it easier for them to teach. However, there are still obstacles to operating the available LMS features. The practical implications derived from this research are that online learning can be applied in the post-COVID-19 era and can become an effective learning model in private universities with adequate LMS facilities. Further research should be conducted with a broader scope, a larger number of respondents, and specific details regarding lecturers' PBC based on their study programs.

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