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Maitri Widya Mutiara
Sisilia Carerina
Franky Liauw


Efforts in the development and preservation of culture are paradigms that must be developed in the current development process. In the past, it was often heard that local culture was often ignored and thought of as an obstacle to development, but for now, the local cultural process is the main factor being implemented. Indonesia is known as a country rich in very diverse regional cultures. kinds of ethnicity and culture of the immigrants, one of which is Betawi culture which has begun to become extinct and has many aspects such as music, dance, decoration, ornaments and so on. So with this design, it is hoped that it can be a form of acculturation and preservation of Betawi culture with classics, where the Gunawarman Hotel itself sis already known for its buildings and classic touches, so that with this design it can be accepted by the community with the Classical Modern Betawi concept, And the method in this interior design uses the Rosemary Kilmer method.

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