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Franky Liauw
Maitri Widya Mutiara


Language skills will become a must for Indonesian citizens who migrate to countries where not all of the population speak English, such as France. With several interests such as continuing their studies or careers, migrants can apply French in their daily lives with the aim of making it easier for them to live their daily lives there. Institut Francais Indonesia can act as a course institution that prepares immigrants to adapt first through language class programs. These classes will be designed with the concept of simulating everyday life in France, such as when they are in public places that require them to interact and master the French language. This also aims to avoid the risk of experiencing "Homesick" or "Lost In Translation" later and can make them as young people of the nation who quickly adapt and are independent. This study is carried out through an analytical process that focuses on the Role Play learning method and its application at the Institut Francais Indonesia. As a result, it is hoped that this design can be realized and continue to support language learning activities at the Francais Indonesia Institute in accordance with the company's initial vision, namely to increase academic mobility through cultural channels.

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