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Alberta Amelia Yandarmadi
Maitri Widya Mutiara
Franky Liauw


The Nautical Museum in Jakarta is a historical building that is used as a place to treat, preserve, and present marine historical collections such as replicas of Indonesian boats, original boats, spices, shipping documentation, and so on. Currently, the public's assessment of the museum is still not good, because they still think that the museum is a building that only stores a collection of ancient objects, is dark, unkempt, and less interactive. The designer wanted to generate cultural ideas and a positive mindset for visitors through the interior design of the inspiring collection space at the Nautical Museum, Jakarta. The design method used is the design method which consists of two stages, namely the analysis stage and then followed by the synthesis stage. One of the ways the designer uses to generate a positive mindset for the visitors is by conducting experiential learning in each collection room. Therefore, each collection room has been designed to have a simulation of activities related to the ideals and professions in the maritime sector. Where visitors can immediately go on adventures and get special experiences that will not be forgotten, also open up opportunities for better information to be embedded and generate a positive mindset for visitors in the maritime and marine fields when visiting the Nautical Museum.

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