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Tania Nathaniela
Maitri Widya Mutiara
Franky Liauw


Ceramic craft is one of the cultures that currently has growing prospects in Indonesia. This prospect can be seen through its benefits in the fields of health, economy and opportunities in the arts business. This great potential needs to be balanced with competent human resources in the field of ceramic art. One way to do this is through the museum, which is a place that plays an important role in preserving and introducing the culture of ceramics to the surrounding community. With the presence of the Fine Arts and Ceramics Museum itself, it is one of the places that can potentially increase public interest in ceramic art culture. However, in the current era, visitors are starting to lack interest in coming to museums due to the low quality of museums in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to redesign the Interior of the Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics in order to foster public interest in being able to love and learn about the ceramics industry. This case study focuses on the lobby space which is the center and the first room when visitors enter this museum. By using a design method based on Rosemary Kilmer's design mindset adapted to the author's method, the fine arts and ceramics museum is designed in such a way to be more interesting and educational by applying ceramic materials to the furniture and interior elements which are the identity of the museum.

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