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Qotrunnada Rizkia Maharani Sabila
P. Tommy Y.S. Suyasa
Daniel Lie


Many research have consistenly shown that mothers face work-family conflict (WFC) during pandemic COVID-19. However, there were limitations prior to the previous studies such as (a) not focusing to working mothers whose job as a private employee, (b) not targetted specifically to private employees mothers whose children (pre-schoolers – aged 3-6 years) attending daring class during pandemic, and (c) not discussing how these mothers cope with the WFC. With that, the objective of the currect research is to address these limitations. This research adopted a qualitative study in which there were 10 mothers working minimum eight hours in a day as a private employee and adopting a work from home scheme. Moreover, those mothers should have pre-schoolers children attending daring class during this pandemic. All participants were interviewed daring and data were analysed using a thematic technique. Results showed that all participants faced three different types of WFC namely, (a) time-based, (b) strain, and (c) behavioral (based on dimension of WFC by Greenhouse and Beutell, 1985). On top of that, most mothers claimed that they found difficulties in controlling their emotions, causing the conflict to be aroused. Furthermore, in line with the dimensions of coping strategy proposed by Lazarus and Folkman (1984), most participants applied emotion-focused and only small proportion mothers used problem-focused as their coping strategies to cope up with the WFC.

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