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Aurellia Evelyn
Dwi Sulistyawati
Mariana Mariana


Textile Museum is a cultural heritage that exhibits and collects Indonesian textile collections from traditional to contemporary collections. Textile Museum has many collections that can be put on display in its building. One of them is the Batik Gallery which stores and exhibits Batik fabrics from various regions in Indonesia. For visitors, the Batik Gallery is a place for recreation and also gives knowledge about Indonesian batik. When designing the Batik, comfort must be taken into account so that it will attract more visitors, especially on the display of its collection. The case study discussed is how to understand the display layout at Batik Gallery by considering anthropometry and visitor comfort. The purpose of the anthropometric studies on the collection display is to consider the literature data with its field data on its size and arrangement so that the application of anthropometric principles can be implemented properly and correctly. This research combines two methods, namely qualitative and quantitative methods. These methods also include the combination of numeric data, text, and images to cover the description through a descriptive approach and layout of the display. The scope to be discussed is limited to the collection displays at the Batik Gallery. Several displays are suitable to anthropometric, but in terms of their placement, some displays are not in line with the anthropometric studies. It is hoped that this research can be useful for designers in a way that they can design and arrange collection displays that are comfortable and follow anthropometry.

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