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Nathya Regine
Hartini Laswandi
Silvia Meliana


The design of the National Library of Indonesia is carried out with a local wisdom approach so that it can able to give a stronger character and become a means of representing Indonesian culture to every visitor. The purpose of this design is to apply decorative elements of batik patterns as one of the implementations of local wisdom into the interior. This study reviews the design of local wisdom, but there has been no application of the development of batik patterns in the National Library of Indonesia. The method used is descriptive qualitative by conducting online observations and through documentation in the form of 3D rendering images. Literature studies from journals, books, and websites related to batik patterns are also carried out which will be developed through the stylization method as a reference in design. The result of this study is to produce patterns and shapes of batik patterns that have undergone changes through the stylization method. It is hoped that the benefits of this design can broaden the horizons of students, prospective designers, interior designers, and researchers who are interested in developing batik culture.

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