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Gilbert Gilbert
Siti Nurannisaa P. B.
Tri Hadi Wahyudi


Weaning Food, in Indonesian known as Makanan Pendamping Air Susu Ibu (MPASI), must be given to babies when they are six months old. The quality of MPASI certainly needs to be considered. The quality of MPASI is affected by the packaging design. Puree Peachy Baby Food is made without preservatives, so it has a short shelf life after being unsealed. The weight of the contents offered by one package of puree is more than what is needed by children aged 6 – 12 months. Therefore, the remaining puree is prone to be wasted. The design stages are adapted from Package Design Workbook [1]. The research subjects were mothers with children aged 6-12 months. Data was collected by literature study, questionnaires, interviews, making empathy maps to the target audience, and analyzed descriptively. The packaging used practical concepts that make it easier for mothers to give complementary foods to their babies. The packaging is being made with one serving size. The puree that does not want to be consumed is not damaged and wasted. The illustration style is a vector with muted and pastel color schemes. The shape of the pouch and the variety of flavors in one package are the advantages of Peachy Baby Food products. Packaging must protect the quality of product contents and give a good impression of use for consumers.

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