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Diah Rahayu
Riana Sahrani
Fransisca Iriani R. Dewi


This research aims to determine the role of teaching virtuous character on the attitudes towards radicalism among Indonesian high school students and to measure student’s spiritual well-being as a moderator factor in those connected variables. Quantitative methods were used to measure teaching the character of virtue, spiritual well-being, and attitudes towards radicalism, through survey question. Purposive sampling technique was used to select participants, which was 434 students aged 14 - 19 years from 13 high schools in West Java (Depok and Bekasi). A total of 148 teachers were also completed the teaching virtue character questionnaire. Interviews were also conducted with several students, to obtain an overview of students' attitudes towards radicalism. Data analysis using regression analysis IBM SPSS for Windows 25. The findings showed that teaching virtue character influences high school students' attitudes towards radicalism; high school students' attitudes towards radicalism influenced by teaching virtuous character with spiritual wellbeing as a moderator variable; and spiritual wellbeing as a moderator in strengthening the negative relationship between teaching virtuous character and students' attitudes towards radicalism. It can be concluded that high school students' attitudes toward radicalism can be reduced by teaching virtues and spiritual well-being. As a manifestation, the teaching of virtuous character in Indonesian high schools needs to be enriched by spiritual well-being content to achieve the goal of reducing the spread of radicalism among students.

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