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Tundjung Herning Sitabuana
Dixon Sanjaya


Marriage is essentially a citizen's right which is guaranteed by Article 28B paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The dynamics of law in the field of marriage in Indonesia continue to develop along with the progress of civilization. Since the colonial era, which imposed the division of community groups, legal pluralism, including provisions for interfaith/interfaith marriages, was still possible. Then Law No. 1/1974 on marriage was issued as an effort to codify and unify the national marriage law. With this new rule, it does not explicitly regulate interfaith marriages, so in society, there is a paradigm shift towards the permissibility of interfaith marriages. Therefore, this study seeks to examine how the legal aspects of interfaith marriages in Indonesia are based on applicable positive law. For this reason, this research uses normative juridical research with a statutory and conceptual approach. The data is used in the form of secondary data that is processed qualitatively, based on content analysis with legal reasoning and interpretation. The results of the study indicate that the legal requirements for marriage in Indonesia are carried out according to the laws of their respective religions and beliefs and the marriage must be registered. The Marriage Law implicitly does not allow the holding of interfaith marriages which is confirmed by the Constitutional Court Decision Number 68/PUU-XII/2014 because it is contrary to the principles of the Pancasila state law based on Indonesia Constitution. However, there are still legal remedies for couples to carry out interfaith marriages. by holding it abroad which recognizes interfaith marriages and registers them in Indonesia, or requests a court order to carry out interfaith marriages. This is a form of smuggling and legal alienation which results in the loss of the authority of national law. Efforts to overcome this are by reforming or improving the national marriage law (especially interfaith marriage) and harmonizing laws and regulations to avoid the void, ambiguity, and legal antinomy in the field of marriage.

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