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Lidya Novita
Edy Chandra
Surianto Rustan


The background of the renewal of the visual identity of the Makaroni XY brand begins from the brand which originally came from a family business, so that the visual identity produced at the time is modest and the packaging is also less informative, such as not including descriptions of product variants, flavors and levels of spiciness, making it difficult for consumers to distinguish products one with another. Therefore, the visual identity renewal aims to produce a visual identity that matches the brand’s personality and also produces more informative packaging to make consumers feel comfortable with the packaging. The research was conducted based on books and scientific journals as well as collecting questionnaires about how people’s opinions and views about Makaroni XY as well as conducting interviews with Makaroni XY, and from that created a design in the form of a visual identity that fits the brand personality and different packaging for each flavor variant. The hope to be achieved in the implementation of the creative idea is that the visual identity of the new Makaroni XY can more clearly reflect the brand’s personality and also that the packaging produced from the design can not only make consumers more comfortable and easier to distinguish one packaging from another, also this packaging can also further increase the marketing of Makaroni XY in the future.

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