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Ersa Sanfriska
Rahmah Hastuti


During the Covid-19, one of the sectors that was affected was the education sector. The learning system that was originally face-to-face must switch to online learning in a short time to prevent spread of Covid-19. Lack of experiences about available platform resources and the readiness of individuals to face this situation make changes. Starting from difficulties in accessing learning due to poor signal, turning off the camera, being less active, and decreasing social relations with friends and lecturers. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of college student engagement during online learning in times of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research will be conducted as qualitative research with research participants that are college students on the island of Java. The measuring instrument used in this study is Student Engagement Instruments developed by Appleton and adopted by Waldrop to be college version. This research was conducted from January until February 2022, by obtaining a research sample of 246 respondents aged 18 to 25 years. The results of the study show that participants have a different college student engagement with a few demographic data such as sex, class, and duration of offline learning. Also, with a multiple responses test have many outputs based on advantages of online learning such as saving time, study anywhere, cost-effective, and many more.

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