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Willianto Wijaya
Arief Adityawan
Caroline F. Sunarko


L Café is the name of a small cafe in West Jakarta. It is a café with special coffee and vegan-friendly food. However, the original L Café’s visual identity doesn’t match the concept. This thesis uses the Roblin Landas’ design method consists of five steps of design which are, Orientation, Analysis, Concept, Design, and Implementation. Data were obtained from observations at L Café, interviews with owners, consumers, and design experts. The authors also conducted a questionnaire addressed to consumers of L Café. The data also come from literature studies and online sources. The L Cafés’ new visual identity represents vegetarian and eco-friendly spirit. The new logo colors are brown and green which is the color of nature. The logo uses a butterfly icon which is a sign of the cafe's hopes that it can benefit for the environment.

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