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Farhan Hesadwiya Abdilah
Monty P. Satiadarma
Fransisca Iriani R. Dewi


Social support is one of the important factors in creating psychological well-being. This support is usually obtained from close people such as family or peer groups. Many studies have found that social support can affect the recovery of individuals with psychological disorders such as depression. Depression is a mood disorder that makes a person feels unhappy, experiences insomnia, has lack of enthusiasm, and self-pity. This study was designed to examine the description of family and peer group social support from the perspective of individuals with depressive mental disorders. This study uses a qualitative method with an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach. The interview process was conducted on 5 individuals who had been diagnosed with depression by professionals. The results showed that each participant received family and peer group support, but there were differences in social support. Those who get a lot of social support tend to develop a sense of being loved, cared, feeling happy and grateful for the presence of loved ones so as to provide strength for them to rise from adversity over their depression. Meanwhile, those who receive little support tend to develop introverted behavior, family avoidance, and a bad perception of the presence of family and peer groups, making it more difficult to recover from depression. However, participants who received little social support but perceived social presence in a positive way from the start were able to develop the same feelings as individuals who received a lot of support and had an equal chance of recovering from depression.

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