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Fransisca Iriani R. Dewi
Rita Markus Idulfilastri
Meylisa Permata Sari


Youth face a variety of difficulties and obstacles as they mature. Bullying, racial discrimination, trouble adjusting, parental divorce, and parental pressures for accomplishment are all sources of stress or risk factors. However, little is known about the components that contribute to teenage resilience development. The process of negotiating, managing, and adjusting to a large source of stress or trauma is referred to as resilience. Internal and external variables have an impact on resilience. External influences include the individual's attachment to culture, as well as cognitive ability and gender. The study's goal is to look at the cultural elements that influence the development of youth resilience. The research method was descriptive qualitative, with interviews conducted through focus group discussions (FGD) with 31 high school and vocational high school students from several large cities and regencies in the islands of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Bali, and Lombok. According to the study's findings, there is a contribution from local cultural values that promotes youth resilience. Life values such as modest living and respect for the elderly are part of the local culture. Several strategies are employed in the development of youth resilience. Youth resilience may be built by strengthening independent drive, mutual trust, confidence, seeing difficulties, and controlling emotions. The five strategies can help individuals and prosocial persons improve their interactions.

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