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Dhimas Bayu Wicaksono
Sri Tiatri


The essential role in learning mathematics is to develop problem solving abilities among students. However, the PISA 2018 results revealed that Indonesia got unsatisfactory rank in mathematics subject. This study aims to empirically evaluate the role of Teacher-Student Relations on Anxiety in Mathematics. This analysis used the independent variable, namely Teacher-Student Relations, while the dependent variable is Anxiety in Mathematics. Data was collected by using questionnaire distributed via google form link in one of the high schools in Tangerang Regency. Participants were science students in grade 12 with a total number of 109 participants. The student–teacher relationship measure (STRM) was used to measure Teacher-Student Relations, and the Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale was used to measure Anxiety in Mathematics (Suinn, Taylor, & Edwards, 1988). Then the data was calculated by statistical method, namely Linear Regression Analysis, with hypothesis testing of the F statistic test. The results of this study indicate that there was an influence of the Teacher-Student Relationship variable on the Anxiety in Mathematics Variable with a contribution of 9.8%.

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