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Sri Tiatri
Christina Veronica
Claudia Fiscarina
Rahmiyana Nurkholiza
Vania Yori Wakano
Mei Ie
Jap Tji Beng


The character development of Indonesian students is directed towards teaching students to form critical thinking skills. In forming critical thinking skills, one of the parties that play an important role is the teacher. In addition to critical thinking skills, the competencies that students are expected to master include Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). However, there is little research on teachers regarding critical thinking in STEM learning despite it is the teachers who are expected to teach this skill to students. This study aims to determine the teacher's perception of critical thinking skills in STEM learning. The participants were 67 elementary school teachers in one district in Bangka Belitung Province. Data were collected through a questionnaire given after the teacher was given brief information about Critical Thinking. The results showed that teachers' perceptions of critical thinking in STEM learning were very diverse. Teachers in this study also perceive students' abilities as a constraint. The results of the study encourage the need for training on critical thinking for elementary school teachers.

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