The Effect of Implementing Apostille in the Era of Sustainable Development Goals

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Benny Djaja
Ardilla Juli Kristantie


Indonesia decided to ratify The Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirements for Legalization for Foreign Public Document or the Apostille Convention and appointed the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to administer the apostille service. The ratification carried out by the government is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals targeted by the government. Legalization and waarmerking are one of the authorities of a notary, in this case the notary has a role related to the convention as a general official who legalizes a deed or document for the public. Apostille service is a document legalization service and one of the documents that can be applied for is a notary document. The enactment of the apostille convention aims to simplify the process of legalizing public documents which takes a long time and is expensive and in this implementation the role of a notary is still needed as an authorized official in the legalization of foreign public documents

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