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Michelle Yurika
Fransisca Iriani R Dewi


This study was conducted to examine the role of the Big Five Personalities on Tiktok engagement behavior in adolescents. The participants of this study were 994 people, with the criteria of being teenagers aged 10–21 years old and having Tiktok social media accounts. The measuring tools used are the Five-Factor Model and the Tiktok Engagement Behavior Questionnaire. Hypothesis testing using SPSS with a simple regression technique and some additional analysis using different tests. The results of this study indicate that the big five personality has a role of 19.5% on Tiktok engagement behavior in adolescents and the personalities that play a role are extraversion (ß = 0.272, p <0.001), agreeableness (ß = 0.068, p = 0.038), neuroticism (ß = 0.185, p<0.001) and openness (ß=0.163, p<0.001).

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