The Impact of Corridor “Mastery” on Benhil II Flats, Central Jakarta

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Mutia Dhirgawati
Fermanto Lianto


The problem of limited space due to overcrowding in flats is still common in several areas, one of which is the Benhil II flat. This condition has resulted in some residents exercising “mastery” over public spaces to carry out their privacy activities, such as placing their belongings and earning a living. This claim causes the change of ownership of public space into private space. This can cause conflict to reduce the physical quality of the space and the occupants’ quality of life. This study aims to describe the characteristics of space and territoriality in public spaces, namely in the corridor area. The research was conducted using descriptive qualitative analysis methods from survey results, previous research, and literature studies related to territory. The results of the study were based on the discovery of territorial space formed from personal objects, most of which turned out to be in the territorial area closest to the space unit, and the more one individual is with another, the greater the tendency to feel that they have a space that does not belong to them.

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