Juridical Analysis of the Application of the Constitutional Court Verdict No. 46/PUU-VII/2010 regarding the Civil Relations of Natural Children with Their Biological Fathers in Notary Deeds

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Benny Djaja
Joshua Yohanes


Constitutional Court Verdict No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 has had an impact on the position of natural children. With the enactment of the verdict, a legitimate relationship arises between the natural children and the biological father. This journal discusses how the position of the natural children is after the verdict and how the application of the verdict is in a notarial deed, in this case, a Certificate of Inheritance. The research method that will be utilized in this research is a normative legal research method, namely research conducted by examining norms, legislation, and legal theory related to the application of the verdict above regarding the civil relationship of natural children with their biological father in a notarial deed. The results of the research are that the Constitutional Court Verdict No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 is not immediately applicable and becomes the basis of the blood relationship between a natural child and one's biological father, but can be enforceable by a decree of the court. demonstrate kinship based on technology and science and/or other evidence.

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