The Church as a Legal Entity Owning Property Rights

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Benny Djaja
Viona Suherman


The Church with its legal competency as a legal entity based on the regulation that has been existed since the days of the Netherlands East Indies Government which is affirmed by the Decree of the Ministry of Home Affairs based on the recommendation from the Ministry of Religious Affairs then legal entities that carry out social or religious activities are allowed to have property rights. This is reinforced by the provisions of Article 21 paragraph 1 and Article 49 paragraph 1 of Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Agrarian Principles, then the Church has the right to have property rights of the land. In these matters, as mentioned in Article 49 paragraph 1 of Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Agrarian Principles states that the land on the property of the Church will be protected by the laws and regulations.

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