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Ferry Doringin
Fransisca Iriani Roesmala Dewi
Karla Sasia


This paper aims to see how holistic leadership can solve school leadership problems in Indonesia after the Covid-19 Pandemic. Schools today face complex problems related to rapid changes that impact the needs of students and parents, learning models, the facilities needed, and the dominant role of information technology. Using a qualitative case study, this study seeks to explore the experiences of highly successful school leaders through the interview method. They consist of three Foundation leaders and four school principals from successful foundations and private schools affiliated with certain religions in Java and Sumatra. The results of this study mention schooling problems related to competence, use of data, adaptive attitude including technology, and building a focus of excellence with business logic. To overcome this problem, principals are needed to be adaptive, move flexibly, use data, and empower. Steps to improve or prepare leaders are carried out by understanding the concept of a holistic, organic leader that is flexible and networked.

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