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Naniek Widayati Priyomarsono


The development of the times can’t longer to be dammed, ready or not, we all have to enter the realm of globalization where technology plays an important role. In this transition period, it is necessary to strengthen culture so that cultural roots are not uprooted for present and future generations. The purpose of the research is to provide several solutions so that this nation can continue to advance in the arena of globalization but not uproot with cultural roots. The scope of research is in several environments where community service, living environment, and observations of students in UNTAR are held. The urgency of the research; provide solutions to human relationships, especially in the family. So that the value of family warmth is maintained. The formulation of the problem is that there are symptoms of cultural inequality in today's generation which slowly but surely no longer recognize their respective cultural roots if there is no prevention. The research method used is qualitative by conducting a grounded theory research strategy. The grounded theory research strategy method is more directed to Anselm Strauss (1990). The data obtained were analyzed with reference to Gidden's theory of the Theory of Structural Basics for the Formation of the Social Structure of Society (2010); The conclusion is in the form of solutions that must be done so that current and future generations can think and act in accordance with the modernity of global society but still stand on its cultural roots.


Perkembangan jaman tidak bias dibendung lagi, siap atau tidak siap kita semua harus masuk ke dalam ranah globalisasi dimana teknologi memegang peranan penting. Pada masa transisi ini diperlukan penguatan budaya supaya akar budaya tidak tercabut bagi generasi sekarang dan yang akan datang. Tujuan penelitian memberikan beberapa solusi supaya bangsa ini tetap maju dalam kancah globalisasi tetapi tidak tercabut akar budayanya. Ruang lingkup penelitian pada beberapa lingkungan dimana diadakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, lingkungan tinggal, serta pengamatan terhadap mahasiswa di lingkungan UNTAR. Urgensi penelitian; memberikan solusi terhadap hubungan antar manusia terutama dalam keluarga. Supaya nilai kehangatan keluarga tetap terjaga. Rumusan masalah adanya gejala ketimpangan budaya pada generasi masa kini yang perlahan tapi pasti tidak lagi mengenal akar budayanya masing-masing apabila tidak ada pencegahannya. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah kualitatif dengan cara melakukan strategy grounded theory research. Metode strategy grounded theory research yang dilakukan lebih mengarah kepada Anselm Strauss (1990). Data yang didapat dianalisis dengan mengacu kepada teorinya Gidden tentang Teori Strukturasi Dasar-dasar Pembentukan Struktur Sosial Masyarakat (2010); didapat kesimpulan berupa solusi yang harus dilakukan supaya generasi sekarang dan yang akan datang dapat berpikir dan bertindak sesuai dengan kemoderenan masyarakat global tetapi tetap berpijak pada akar budayanya. 

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The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at: Society 5.0: balancing of Industry 4.0, economic advancement and social problems Vojko Potocan, Matjaž Mulej and Zlatko Nedelko Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia. https://www.emerald.com/insight/0368492X.htm.

Undang-undang Republik Indonesia nomor 11 tahun 2010 tentang Cagar Budaya.