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Ria Buana
Talitha Zhafira
Siti Elita Syabaniyah


Scabies is often considered as one of the most common skin conditions globally so that people think that scabies does not need to be treated, Education regarding scabies in the Tomang village is rarely carried out, the high density of the area creates interaction or physical contact between individuals that facilitates the transmission and infestation of scabies mites. The purpose of educational activities related to scabies is to increase knowledge through health education about scabies. The health education method applied is counseling and interactive discussion Health education related to scabies material will be held on Thursday 6 October 2022 at 13.00-14.30 WIB online via a zoom meeting attended by 34 participants consisting of residents of Tomang, West Jakarta. The assessment of increasing knowledge about scabies is assessed with an average pretest result of 75.6 and an average posttest result of 95.1, then there is an increase in knowledge about scabies by 25.8%. Educational activities related to scabies can be carried out in the school environment and repeated in Tomang residents so that scabies material can be better understood and remembered.


Skabies sering dianggap sebagai salah satu kondisi kulit yang paling umum secara global sehingga masyarakat menganggap skabies tidak perlu diobati, Edukasi terkait skabies di kelurahan Tomang jarang dilakukan, tingginya kepadatan area membuat interaksi atau kontak fisik antar individu yang memudahkan penularan dan infestasi tungau skabies. Tujuan kegiatan edukasi terkait skabies adalah menambah pengetahuan melalui edukasi kesehatan mengenai skabies. Metode edukasi kesehatan yang diterapkan adalah penyuluhan dan diskusi interaktif Edukasi kesehatan terkait materi skabies dilakukan hari kamis 6 Oktober 2022 pukul 13.00-14.30 WIB secara daring via zoom meeting dihadiri 34 peserta terdiri dari warga Tomang Jakarta Barat. Penilaian peningkatan pengetahuan tentang skabies di nilai dengan hasil rata-rata pretes 75,6 dan hasil rata-rata postes 95,1, maka terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan tentang skabies sebesar 25,8%. Kegiatan edukasi terkait skabies dapat dilakukan dilingkungan sekolah dan berulang di warga Tomang agar materi skabies dapat lebih dipahami dan diingat.

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