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Vania Pratami
Margaretha Purwanti


Teenagers usually start to experience career problems when they are in junior high school, and teenagers from Orphanage X are not an exception to this issue. At Orphanage X, foster children have not yet received a special service that is related to career guidance. Additionally, there are also several foster children who do not receive assistance from the Guidance Counseling (BK) teacher at their school. There are also some orphans who feels that they have entered the wrong major and unsure of their career choices. The career information that they currently obtain is still limited, hence there is a confusion in deciding which major to pursue for further study. To grasp a larger picture, the process of data collection was carried out to various parties (adolescent groups, orphanage heads, and operational managers) using survey methods, interviews, and focus group discussions. Based on the problems that arise from teenagers in the X Orphanage, it is necessary to have an intervention in the form of a career guidance program. The career guidance program was carried out in one day and was attended by eight orphanage students starting from 3rd grade junior high school to 3rd grade senior high school with face-to-face group counseling method. This career guidance program consists of 4 main sessions with the theme “Masa Depanku Ada di Tanganku”, which can be translated to “My Future is in My Hands”. After receiving a career guidance program, participants realize that attending career guidance is one step towards career maturity. Participants also can feel the benefits, especially in terms of finding alternative career choices, making decisions, and being able to explore themselves. With the increase in knowledge and attitudes of the participants, it can be said that the objectives of the intervention program have been achieved.


Masalah karier biasanya mulai dialami oleh remaja ketika berada di jenjang sekolah menengah pertama, tidak terkecuali anak remaja yang ada di Panti Asuhan X. Di Panti Asuhan X, belum ada layanan khusus terkait bimbingan karir yang diberikan kepada anak asuh. Selain itu, ada beberapa anak asuh yang tidak memperoleh pendampingan dari guru Bimbingan Konseling (BK) di sekolahnya. Ada pula sebagian anak panti asuhan yang salah masuk jurusan dan belum yakin terhadap pilihan karirnya. Informasi karier yang saat ini mereka ketahui masih terbatas, sehingga muncul kebingungan untuk menentukan jurusan studi lanjut. Proses pengambilan data dilakukan kepada beberapa pihak (kelompok anak remaja, kepala panti asuhan, dan manajer operasional) dengan metode survei, wawancara, dan focus group discussion. Berdasarkan masalah yang muncul pada kelompok anak remaja di Panti Asuhan X, diperlukan adanya intervensi berupa program bimbingan karier. Program bimbingan karir dilakukan dalam satu hari dan diikuti oleh delapan anak remaja panti asuhan yang terdiri dari murid kelas 3 SMP hingga 3 SMA dengan metode konseling kelompok secara tatap muka. Program bimbingan karier disusun dengan tema “Masa Depanku Ada di Tanganku” yang terdiri dari 4 sesi utama. Setelah mendapatkan program bimbingan karir, peserta menyadari bahwa mengikuti bimbingan karier merupakan salah satu langkah untuk menuju kematangan karir. Kemudian peserta dapat merasakan manfaatnya, terutama dalam hal menemukan alternatif pilihan karier, membuat keputusan, dan dapat mengeksplorasi diri. Dengan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap pada peserta, hal ini dapat dikatakan bahwa tujuan program intervensi berhasil dicapai.

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