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Rita Markus Idulfilastri
Siti Bahiyah


Socialization of the Psychological Scale of Emotion Regulation Strategies for Symptoms of Depression 7 Factors (SRED-7F) is the result of a thesis research with the title Testing the Structure of Factors Measuring Strategy for Emotional Regulation of Adolescents with Symptoms of Depression. SRED-7F consists of 5 dimensions of adaptive emotion regulation strategies, namely problem solving, social support, reappraisal, distraction, and pleasant, as well as 2 maladaptive strategies, namely avoidance and rumination dimensions. The SRED-7F psychological scale is used when a teacher or psychologist wants to know if a student or adolescent has symptoms of depression. The purpose of this PKM is to introduce psychologists, BP teachers and teachers with professions as psychologists to the SRED-7F psychological scale. The socialization target is 10 BP teachers or psychologists with middle-aged adolescents or junior/high school students or aged 15 to 19 years. The socialization material consists of (1) an explanation of the measuring instrument from the user's point of view (user), definitions, dimensions and items (2) scoring based on the cut-off from ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) (3) taking the test, namely the procedures that need to be considered during test taking. Before and after the delivery of socialization materials, participants were given pre-test and post-test. The results obtained on average increase and the distribution becomes smaller. It can be concluded that the socialization of the SRED-7F psychological scale can be understood by the participants. The next suggestion is to carry out regular socialization using standard manuals.

Sosialisasi Skala Psikologi Strategi Regulasi Emosi Simton Depresi 7 Faktor (SRED-7F) merupakan hasil dari penelitian tesis dengan judul Pengujian Struktur Faktor Alat Ukur Strategi Regulasi Emosi Remaja Dengan Simtom Depresi. SRED-7F terdiri dari 5 dimensi dari strategi regulasi emosi adaptif yaitu problem solving, social support, reappraisal, distraction, dan pleasant, serta 2 strategi maladaptif yaitu dimensi avoidance dan rumination. Skala psikologi SRED-7F digunakan ketika guru atau psikolog ingin mengatahui adanya gejala depresi pada siswa atau remaja. Tujuan PKM ini adalah memperkenalkan kepada psikolog, guru BP dan guru-guru dengan profesi sebagai psikolog mengenai skala psiklogis SRED-7F. Target sosialiasai terhadap 10 orang guru BP atau psikolog dengan klien remaja madya atau siswa SMP/SMA atau berusia 15 sd 19 tahun. Materi sosialisasi terdiri dari (1) penjelasan alat ukur dari sisi pemakai (user), definisi, dimensi dan butir (2) melakukan skoring berdasarkan cut-off dari ROC (Reciever Operating Characteristic) (3) pengambilan tes yaitu tata cara yang perlu diperhatikan selama pengambilan tes. Sebelum dan setelah pelaksanaan penyampaian materi sosialisasi, peserta diberikan pre-test dan post-test. Hasil yang diperoleh rata-rata meningkat dan sebaran menjadi lebih kecil. Dapat disimpulkan sosialisasi skala psikologi SRED-7F dapat dipahami oleh peserta. Saran selanjutnya dilakukan sosialisasi secara regular dengan menggunakan manual baku.

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