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Ria Buana
Cindy Damara
Celine Cornelia



Extraordinary events due to dengue fever cases in Indonesia often become uncontrollable with increasing mortality rates. The number of dengue fever sufferers is increasing, the area of the spread of dengue fever is expanding along with the increase in mobility and population density. Extraordinary events due to dengue fever cases are also caused by the lack of support from the community's attitude towards environmental hygiene and the insufficient knowledge of dengue fever. The digital education method is a health promotion as an effort to increase public knowledge about a disease. The service team made a pre-test questionnaire to assess initial knowledge related to dengue fever and a post-test to assess knowledge after dengue counseling and assess whether this educational activity provided benefits for partners. This activity could take place continuously and continuously. Short-term activity targets add insight and awareness to the public about the importance of dengue fever cases, especially during the pandemic. The benefit of the activity is that partners gain knowledge about health related to dengue fever. Health service activities are carried out online on Saturday, October 2, 2021 through the zoom platform application. The health education activity with the theme "Beware of Dengue Fever" which was attended by 34 participants from Tomang, West Jakarta, was held on Saturday, October 2, 2021 at 12.00-13.00 WIB. A total of 34 health service participants, it was found that the average pre-test score was 55.77 and the post-test results averaged 77.8 From the results of the pre-test and post-test participants there was an increase in knowledge about fever alert dengue hemorrhage as much as 39.65%. This activity is expected to be continuous, considering that cases of dengue fever can occur at any time

Kejadian Luar Biasa akibat kasus demam berdarah di Indonesia sering menjadi tidak terkendali dengan angka kematian meningkat. Jumlah penderita demam berdarah meningkat, area penyebaran demam berdarah semakin meluas seiring dengan peningkatan mobilitas dan kepadatan penduduk. Kejadian Luar Biasa akibat kasus demam berdarah juga disebabkan kurangnya dukungan oleh sikap masyarakat terhadap kebersihan lingkungan, dan masih rendahnya pengetahuan penyakit demam dengue. Metode edukasi via digital merupakan promosi kesehatan sebagai upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang suatu penyakit. Tim pengabdian membuat kuisioner pretes untuk menilai pengetahuan awal terkait demam berdarah dan postes untuk menilai pengetahuan setelah penyuluhan demam berdarah dan menilai apakah kegiatan edukasi ini memberikan manfaat bagi mitra sehingga kegiatan ini dapat berlangsung berkelanjutan dan berkesinambungan. Target kegiatan jangka pendek menambah wawasan serta kesadaran pada masyarakat pentingnya kasus demam berdarah terutama pada masa pandemi. Manfaat kegiatan adalah mitra bertambah wawasan kesehatan terkait demam berdarah.Kegiatan bakti kesehatan  dilakukan secara daring hari Sabtu, 2 Oktober 2021 melalui aplikasi platform zoom. Kegiatan edukasi kesehatan dengan tema “ Waspada Demam Berdarah” yang diikuti oleh 34 peserta warga Tomang Jakarta Barat dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu, 2 Oktober 2021 pukul 12.00-13.00 WIB dapat berlangsung dengan baik dan lancar. Total semua peserta pengabdian kesehatan sebanyak 34 peserta didapatkan bahwa nilai rata – rata pre-test adalah 55,77 dan hasil pos-test nilai rata – rata sebesar 77,8 Dari hasil pre-test dan pos-test peserta adanya peningkatan pengetahuan  tentang waspada demam berdarah dengue sebanyak 39,65%. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat berlangsung kontinu mengingat kasus demam berdarah dapat terjadi kapan saja

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