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Susy Olivia Lontoh
Yemima Graciela


During the pandemic COVID-19, all of our daily activities are very limited in moves, the pattern of life sedentary. The Program of health education is a form of effort to improve and maintain the habit of physical exercise in the house as well as exercising secarta regular and correct way increase the knowledge and insight they related the importance of exercise and good physical activity and affect their attitude so in the habit of day-to-day diligently sports that have an impact on improving health status. Extension activities health education sports was held on 27 May 2021 Friday online, starting at 13: 00 PM, attended by 15 participants, the material presented is related to physical activity, the benefits, the tips a good sport during the pandemic, the form of physical activity that can be done at home as well as prokes health during the pandemic based on the GERMAS. 11 participants of physical activity is less and 4 participants physical activity enough. 9 participants do sports 0-1 times per week. The results obtained show low exercise as well as high levels of physical activity is low. The results of the posttest showed after the extension of an increase of knowledge related to physical activity and sport by 31.3%. Counseling sports impact to participants because of the insight and knowledge of physical activity and sports is increased.

Selama pandemi COVID-19, semua kegiatan sehari-hari kita sangat terbatas dalam bergerak, pola hidup sedentary. Program health education merupakan bentuk usaha meningkatkan serta mempertahankan kebiasaan latihan fisik di rumah serta berolahraga secarta teratur dan benar dengan cara meningkatkan pengetahuan serta wawasan mereka terkait pentingnya olahraga serta aktivitas fisik yang baik dan mempengaruhi sikap mereka  agar di kebiasaan sehari-hari  rajin olahraga  yang berdampak pada peningkatkan derajat kesehatan. Kegiatan penyuluhan edukasi kesehatan olahraga dilaksanakan tanggal 27 Mei 2021 hari Jumat secara daring, dimulai pukul 13.00 WIB, dihadiri 15 peserta, materi yang disampaikan terkait aktivitas fisik, manfaatnya, tips olahraga yang baik saat pandemi, bentuk aktivitas fisik yang dapat  dilakukan dirumah serta prokes kesehatan selama pandemi berdasarkan GERMAS. 11 peserta aktivitas fisik kurang dan 4 peserta aktivitas fisik cukup. 9 peserta melakukan olahraga 0-1 kali perminggu. Hasil yang didapat memperlihatkan rendahnya berolahraga serta tingginya tingkat aktivitas fisik rendah. Hasil posttest memperlihatkan setelah penyuluhan  terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan terkait aktivitas fisik dan olahraga sebesar 31.3%. Penyuluhan olahraga berdampak ke peserta karena wawasan dan pengetahuan  aktivitas fisik serta olahraga meningkat.

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