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Sarwo Edy Handoyo
Herlin Tundjung Setijaningsih


The purpose of this PKM is to provide insight into the higher education system as well as to find out the potential of students based on their brain color so that when choosing a study program when continuing their studies in higher education according to their potential. The method of implementing this PKM activity is in the form of counseling and personal tests. PKM partners are 99 students of SMAN 08 Tangerang City, Banten. Counseling uses zoom, while personal tests use google forms. After conducting the outreach activities, participants' knowledge of the higher education system was better than before. From the results of the personal test, the distribution of students' brain color was 44% A (office executive, CEO), 8% B (scientist, researcher, accountant, engineer, legal expert, chemist/physicist), 16% C (creative worker, TV presenter, artists, marketing professionals), 15% D (entrepreneurs), and 16% mix from AD. Participants are included in the A-D mix category because their personal test scores on several types of brain color are the same. It is recommended to test participants who are included in the A-D mix to do a personal test again to ensure the type of brain color. If the results are still included in the A-D mix, it means that the participant has multi-talents.

Tujuan PKM ini untuk memberikan wawasan tentang sistem pendidikan tinggi serta untuk mengetahui potensi siswa berdasarkan brain colornya agar ketika memilih program studi ketika melanjutkan studi  di perguruan tinggi sesuai dengan potensinya. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM ini berupa penyuluhan dan personal test. Mitra PKM adalah 99 siswa SMAN 08 Kota Tangerang, Banten. Penyuluhan menggunakan zoom, sedangakan personal test menggunakan google form. Setelah dilakukan kegiatan penyuluhan, pengetahuan peserta mengenai sistem pendidikan tinggi lebih baik dibandingkan sebelumnya. Dari hasil personal test, sebaran brain colour siswa 44% A (eksekutif kantor, CEO), 8% B (ilmuwan, peneliti, akuntan, engineer, ahli hukum, ahli kimia/fisika), 16% C (pekerja kreatif, presenter TV, artis, profesional pemasaran), 15% D (pengusaha), dan 16% bauran dari A-D. Peserrta masuk kategori bauran A-D karena skor personal testnya pada beberapa jenis brain color sama. Disarankan kepada peserta test yang masuk dalam bauran A-D untuk melakukan personal test ulang untuk memastikan jenis brain colornya. Jika hasilnya tetap masuk dalam bauran A-D, maka berarti peserta tersebut memiliki multi talent.

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Glasov, S. N. (2007). What Color is Your Brain? A Fun and Fascinating Approach to Understanding Yourself and Others, Thorofare: Slack Inc.

Peraturan Pemerintah RI No. 60 Tahun 1999

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