Jurnal Serina Abdimas 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Jurnal Serina Abdimas Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Serina Abdimas</strong></p> <p>Jurnal Serina Abdimas adalah wadah publikasi hasil kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) yang dilaksanakan oleh Dosen, Mahasiswa, maupun Praktisi dan telah didesiminasikan pada Seri Seminar Nasional (SERINA) dan SENAPENMAS yang diselenggarakan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Tarumanagara. </p> PENYULUHAN KEWAJIBAN PAJAK ORANG PRIBADI BAGI PARA SISWA YAYASAN PRIMA UNGGUL DI JAKARTA TIMUR 2024-03-12T04:36:46+00:00 Djeni Indrajati Widjaja <p>In recent years, businesses and activities that can be carried out by anyone who is creative and diligent can provide income. During the pandemic, in the midst of anxiety about a worrying new viral disease, conditions and the terms lock down, work from home, school from home have emerged, various creativity and new businesses or activities have emerged which are driven by young people and can provide income for them. These businesses are also known to have direct contact with millennials and Gen Z, such as jastip, selegram, YouTuber, tik toker, and so on. The students at YPU are mostly Gen Z and have creativity that can generate income. From the Fiscus perspective, this income is something that can be consumed and can increase wealth. So that activities that can generate income will be in contact with tax obligations.</p> <p>An introduction to tax obligations for those who have income is provided through online counseling with concise and precise explanations accompanied by example questions. This explanation was welcomed enthusiastically and increased the students' knowledge.</p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PELAPORAN SPT TAHUNAN WAJIB PAJAK ORANG PRIBADI PADA KEGIATAN RELAWAN PAJAK 2024-03-12T04:39:19+00:00 Muhammad Fiqih Djeni Indrajati Widjaja <p><em>Every year, especially during the individual taxpayer reporting period which ends on March 31 of the following period, tax service office employees are very busy. On the one hand, taxpayers already have the awareness to fulfill their tax obligations, namely reporting their annual tax return, but many taxpayers face reporting problems so they need help filling out individual taxpayers' annual tax returns. This community service event is part of the Tarumanagara University Tax Center. This tax volunteer team process is carried out after receiving messages from partners regarding assistance for accompanying taxpayers in filling out tax returns and participation in tax education programs and methods for implementing tax volunteer teams through several steps, starting from the recruitment stage, determining the tax volunteer team, providing guidance. taxation for the tax Volunteer Team. Implementation of assistants for filling out WPOP Annual SPT at KPP Pratama Jakarta Tambora. Activities of the WPOP accompanying tax volunteer team in reporting Annual SPT and matching NIK to NPWP directly at KPP Pratama Jakarta Tambora. This activity starts on 01 March 2023 and ends on 31 March 2023, with services from 09:00 to 16:00 WIB. From the results of WPOPs who filled out questionnaires of more than 15 WPOPs, the evaluation results were very satisfying for the tax volunteer team in terms of knowledge, ethics and communication, especially in tax volunteer assistance activities to taxpayers, besides that the Tax volunteer team is a form of integrating tax awareness, increasing Taxpayer compliance. The Jakarta Tambora Primary Tax Service Office through the West Jakarta Tax Directorate General collaborates with the Tarumanagara University Tax Center. Types of collaboration as tax volunteers include assisting taxpayers, filling out tax forms, and participating in tax education programs. From the results of this evaluation, it can be recommended that this activity continue in the next period.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas UPAYA PENGEMBANGAN PENGETAHUAN AKUNTANSI MELALUI PELATIHAN AYAT JURNAL PENYESUAIAN KEPADA SISWA SMA KRISTOFORUS 1 2024-03-12T04:41:33+00:00 Vinnetta Ratna Sari Elsa Imelda <p><em>Community Service Activities at SMA Santo Kristoforus 1 aim to increase high school students’ understanding of adjusting journal entries for trading companies. This activity prioritizes maintaining a pleasant classroom atmophere, ensuring that students do not feel overwhelmed by the high expectations of comprehending the material. This training is needed because there are so many students at Santo Kristoforus 1 High School who have limited knowledge regarding accounting, especially the material on adjusting journal entries for trading companies due to lack of time and lack of resources at Santo Kristoforus 1 High School. Held on 6 6 October and 11 October 2023 offline (face to face), the activity involved students in grades 10, 11 and 12. The material was presented through theoretical explanations, practice questions and the game "Dare To Look At Your Gaze". The results of the questionnaire showed that students responded positively to the clarity of the material, the usefulness of the training, the attractiveness of the material carrier, and the effectiveness of the game. The implementation of this activity succeeded in increasing students' interest in accounting.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PELATIHAN PERSAMAAN DASAR AKUNTANSI DALAM KEGIATAN MBKM DI SMK YP IPPI PETOJO 2024-03-12T04:43:19+00:00 Maulida Muthokharoh Fahrulroji Liana Susanto <p><em>Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) is an innovation created by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research and Technology and states a policy for changing the higher education system in Indonesia to produce more relevant graduates and aims to encourage students to master various sciences to prepare for entering the world of work. MBKM has eight programs, one of which is teaching assistance in the education unit. This Teaching Assistance MBKM will be held specifically for students of YP IPPI Petojo Vocational School. Implementation of the MBKM program will involve conveying information directly to students in the form of face-to-face meetings. The time period for implementing the MBKM program starts from August to October 2023. During the teaching period students apply their knowledge to YP IPPI Petojo Vocational School students. This MBKM activity began with an initial meeting between the school and Tarumanagara University to identify the school's needs and interests regarding this collaboration. After getting positive responses, we concluded that the theme we had chosen was the basic accounting equation which includes assets, debt and capital. The results resulting from this activity include MBKM publications and reporting. Publication is the final stage in the MBKM program, we submit a report on the results of this activity to the publication institute at Tarumanagara University as a form of responsibility.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PEMBEKALAN MENGENAI JURNAL PENYESUAIAN DI SMA NEGERI 2 JAKARTA TERKAIT DENGAN PROGRAM MBKM ASISTENSI MENGAJAR 2024-03-12T04:45:27+00:00 Dania Merry Susanti <p><em>This teaching assistance report provides information regarding adjusting journal at SMA Negeri 2 Jakarta related to the MBKM program called “Asistensi Mengajar di Satuan Pendidikan”. Adjusting journal is a record of transactions carried out at the end of an accounting period to adjust the balances of certain accounts before preparing financial reports. It is hoped that with this provision, students at SMA Negeri 2 Jakarta can understand the importance of adjusting journals in the accounting process and apply them well in their learning. The lesson has provided positive results for students and uses a method where students can understand adjusting journals.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas SKRINING ASAM URAT PADA ORANG DEWASA DI KELURAHAN TOMANG 2024-03-12T11:07:34+00:00 David Limanan Marcella E Rumawas Alexander Halim Santoso Bruce Edbert Nawaika Shafira Putri Timothy Halomoan Darma <p><em>One of the non-communicable diseases that is of concern to the public is gout. Gout is a disease caused by the accumulation of urate crystals in tissues, especially joint areas due to chronic hyperuricemia. Without proper treatment, hyperuricemia can develop into chronic gout, the formation of tophus, severe kidney function disorders, and result in decreased quality of life. The aim of this activity is to check uric acid levels in the adult group, so that early intervention and prevention of hyperuricemia can occur and prevent gout. The activity began with a coordination meeting with community service partners, and it was agreed that PKM activities carried out on October 14, 2023, at 08.00-14.00 WIB. PKM activities begin with registration, then filling in personal data, then checking uric acid levels, and finally consulting with a team of doctors. The PKM activity was attended by 90 participants, consisting of 20 female participants (22%) and 70 male participants (78%) with the largest group aged 20 to 29 years, namely 28 participants (31%). The number of respondents who had experienced gout disorders was 7 participants (8%), while those who had no history of gout disorders were 83 participants (92%). The results of checking uric acid levels showed that 2 participants had low uric acid levels (2%), 76 participants (85%) had normal uric acid levels, and 12 participants (13%) had high uric acid levels. There are still quite a lot of participants who experience high uric acid levels, so education and routine uric acid checks are needed.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas MERCHANDISE INVENTORY PADA ACCURATE SOFTWARE TRAINING DI SMA KRISTOFORUS 1 JAKARTA 2024-03-12T11:18:17+00:00 Emillia Sastra Felicia Gunawan Amelia <p><em>Community Service (PKM) is a form of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education by channeling knowledge to the community. The partner is SMA Kristoforus 1 Jakarta which is located on Jalan Rahayu No. 1A, West Jakarta. A meeting with the school to discuss the problems faced is the beginning of the implementation of this PKM. After discussion, it was seen that SMA Kristoforus 1 Jakarta welcomed this training so that the proposal was submitted to LPPM Tarumanagara University. This training activity includes providing modules, practice questions, quizzes, and questionnaires. By holding this training, students at SMA Kristoforus 1 Jakarta can get to know the accounting software, namely Accurate. It is hoped that this activity can increase the knowledge of SMA Kristoforus 1 Jakarta students in the field of accounting. This training also acts as a complement to the accounting theory lessons that students at Kristoforus 1 Jakarta High School have received. Not only that, but this activity is also expected to illustrate accounting practices in the workplace. PKM activities are also beneficial for the Faculty of Economics, Tarumanagara University by fostering good relations with SMA Kristoforus 1 Jakarta and are a way of sharing knowledge and experience. From the results of direct observations made during the training, it can be concluded that the students of SMA Kristoforus 1 Jakarta showed an interest in Accurate. The training material provided has also been well received and understood by the students of SMA Kristoforus 1 Jakarta.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas JURNAL KHUSUS AKUNTANSI PERUSAHAAN DAGANG 2024-03-12T11:21:41+00:00 Djeni Indrajati Widjaja <p><em>St. Kristoforus I Catholic High School in West Jakarta is a national private school that follows the 2013 curriculum standards from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. The economics subjects given for 1 semester include knowledge of general economics and accounting. It is felt that the introductory material about Accounting needs to be expanded to provide deeper insight for students who are interested in the field of accounting. This is closely related to students' interest in further studies and in preparing for their future after graduating from high school.</em></p> <p><em>An introduction to the world of accounting, specifically about transactions in trading companies with journals in particular, is an added value to students' self-confidence when continuing their education at universities in the economics faculty, especially accounting study programs. For this reason, this training activity as an extracurricular activity is held for students from class X to class XII who are interested.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PELATIHAN DENGAN STRATEGI SWOT PADA UKM DI KOTA TANGERANG 2024-03-12T06:23:55+00:00 M.Tony Nawawi Darryl <p>Everyone who opens a business, whether in the form of products or services, should expect to make a profit. Therefore, he must try to maintain the continuity of his business. One way to maintain your business is to use a business strategy, namely a SWOT analysis strategy. With this SWOT analysis, he can find out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that will be faced in the future.</p> <p>This PKM activity aims to help Home Businesses (UKM) explain the importance of SWOT analysis strategies in running their business. This PKM partner is a home-based business engaged in the culinary business, where this business activity has been carried out since 1996 with limited capital and is carried out by using a cart going from complex to complex. Over time, now the partner's business has a permanent location at home, although it is not yet optimal. In implementing partner businesses, of course they face many obstacles, for example business capital problems, marketing strategy problems, and a lack of knowledge about business. For this reason, this PKM activity is carried out with the aim of helping partners increase their knowledge in terms of introducing business strategies with SWOT analysis, so that they know their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats optimally. The method offered in this activity is offline training/socialization. The material that will be presented includes: a brief explanation of the SWOT business strategy, the importance of SWOT, SWOT elements, and SWOT strategy assessment criteria and others. With this socialization, it is hoped that partners can overcome their problems, and partners can understand the need to carry out a SWOT analysis strategy in running their business.</p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PENYUSUNAN LAPORAN KEUANGAN DAN PERANAN PROFESI AKUNTANSI 2024-03-12T11:24:08+00:00 Syanti Dewi Lydia Patricia Zebua Willsen Lorensa <p><em>Preparing financial reports is an important process in company financial management that involves collecting, classifying and presenting financial information. The preparation of this report must follow generally accepted accounting principles or have relevant accounting standards according to the jurisdiction. The financial report itself has the function of presenting financial information that is relevant, can be trusted to stakeholders regarding the financial performance of a company, and can be used in decision making. The accounting profession plays a key role in ensuring the accuracy, relevance and integrity of financial reports. The accounting profession also helps maintain transparency and accountability in financial reporting. It is expected to help students, so that after graduating from high school they can immediately work and directly apply the knowledge gained at school into practice. This activity is held face to face, so that it is easy for us to provide training to Bunda Hati Kudus High School students majoring in Social Sciences class 12 (twelve), in explaining financial report material according to applicable standards, as well as insight into the accounting profession and its role in managing finances. The specific objective of this training is to provide useful elements for all transactions and events that occur during a period in the service undertaking as well as the profession itself. The results of community service activities provide results in growing their interest in continuing to college, especially accounting majors, where all work can be easier.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PELATIHAN PENGGUNAAN MODUL RMA SOFTWARE ACCURATE BAGI SISWA SMA KRISTOFORUS I 2024-03-12T11:28:14+00:00 Sriwati Jessica Novia Natasya Emillia Sutedja <p><em>After-sales service is one of the important things that customers pay attention to when purchasing an item. Therefore, every company must have adequate after-sales service procedures. With the role of information technology, the customer claims process can also utilize accounting software. In a company, after-sales service can have an impact on company resources, but this activity is rarely discussed in accounting lessons, especially at the high school level. For this reason, the PKM Team took the initiative to conduct training regarding the use of software for after-sales service at SMA Kristoforus 1. One of the accounting software that provides a feature for recording customer claims is Accurate. In this software there is a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) module which can be used to record customer claims. The participants in this training are SMA Kristoforus 1 students who take accounting extracurriculars. The PKM team will provide a material presentation which will then be followed by practice on how to use the RMA module, which includes recording customer claims, results of the customer claim process, billing, and receiving payments. This training was carried out in November 2023 in the computer room of SMA Kristoforus 1. At the end of the training session, the PKM Team also provided practice questions for the participants to do independently and all participants were able to do them correctly, so it could be concluded that they were able to operate RMA module.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas STRATEGI SALES DAN MARKETING DALAM MENINGKATKAN PENDAPATAN DAN CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT DALAM INDUSTRI PERHOTELAN 2024-03-12T11:31:30+00:00 Ferenc Devlin Evert Margarita Ekadjaja <p><em>Hotels are a means of lodging for anyone who needs a temporary place to rest. In a hotel there must be a sales and marketing team whose job is to find and maintain the loyalty of its customers. This internship activity is one of the Community Service (PKM) programs at Hotel Ciputra Jakarta which really pays attention to professionalism and maintaining relationships with customers so that customers feel satisfied with the service they receive. However, considering the lack of workers in the sales admin &amp; marketing department, Hotel Ciputra Jakarta is willing to collaborate with FEB UNTAR by providing opportunities for students majoring in management at FEB UNTAR to do internships at Hotel Ciputra Jakarta. The aim of this internship activity is that apart from earning additional income, FEB UNTAR students can learn sales and marketing strategies in increasing hotel revenues as well as relationship management with customers which many people call the spearhead of the hotel itself. The PKM program is implemented offline by going directly into the field. The implementation method to expand intern students' knowledge about sales and marketing is by going directly and observing within the sales and marketing department as well as direct interviews with the sales and marketing staff who carry out these activities. The results of this activity lasted very well for six months and concluded that sales and marketing were very influential in increasing revenue and good relations with customers with the various strategies they implemented. As a suggestion proposed to partners, partners can enrich innovation in reaching and maintaining good relationship management with customers so that they can be an advantage over other competitors.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PERAN VITAL RELAWAN PAJAK DALAM MENINGKATKAN KESEJAHTERAAN MASYARAKAT 2024-03-12T11:34:39+00:00 Nathaniel Edbert Lioe Purnamawati Helen Wijaya <p><em>The tax volunteer activity, which took place between January until March 2023, was primarily aimed at providing support to individual taxpayers in filing their annual tax returns. This activity is carried out offline at Kantor Pelayanan Pajak during&nbsp; March 2023. In addition to assisting in the filing process, tax volunteers also play a role in raising public awareness of tax obligations. The benefits of this activity are diverse, including improved communication skills and a deeper understanding of taxation. Tax volunteers act as facilitators who provide technical guidance to taxpayers, helping them understand the filing process, as well as understanding the potential tax breaks available. Through direct interaction with the public, tax volunteers also develop communication skills, understand the complexity of tax regulations, and enhance their understanding of tax practices. Thus, these tax volunteer activities not only fill an important gap in tax education and support, but also develop valuable skills in addressing tax issues, which become valuable assets for the development of the community and the country.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PERAN RELAWAN PAJAK DALAM MELAYANI WAJIB PAJAK DI KPP PRATAMA JAKARTA TAMANSARI 2024-03-12T11:37:57+00:00 Melvina Djeni Indrajati Widjaja <p><em>Tax Volunteers is one of the Merdeka Campus programs which provides students with the opportunity to develop social awareness and sensitivity. One of the Rajak Volunteer activities was carried out at </em>KPP Pratama Jakarta Tamansari<em> from February to April 2023. This activity was carried out to help the public to be more compliant in fulfilling their tax obligations in Indonesia. Various activities were carried out during implementation, including: activating the Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN), procedures for reporting Annual Tax Reports electronically, and verifying the Population Identification Number to become a Taxpayer Identification Number. The main aim of this activity is to help Taxpayers in Tamansari District to easily resolve various tax problems using education and consultation methods. This method is carried out by providing tax information such as activation, reporting and verification online via the Directorate General of Taxes website. The results of this activity can be said to be positive, seen from the Taxpayer being able to absorb the information provided and put it into practice independently. The implementation of this activity has provided benefits for many stakeholders, including Taxpayers being able to solve their problems, tax officers getting easier work, and Tax Volunteers having the opportunity to contribute to society.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PELATIHAN PEMANFAATAN MATRIKS BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP DALAM ANALISIS STRATEGI BISNIS USAHA KONVEKSI 2024-03-12T11:40:34+00:00 Margarita Ekadjaja Christiandinata Tjandra Bravo <p>The dynamics of society require business people to be flexible and creative in designing business strategy plans. PKM's activity partner is a family company whose business is convection with several production lines called CMT. Mitra, as a family company that has various types of products and business lines, experiences difficulties in analyzing which business lines are profitable and should be developed. As a solution to partner problems, the PKM FEB UNTAR Team socialized the use of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix as a technique for analyzing business strategy decision making based on quadrant positions which include question marks, stars, cash cows and dogs. Socialization is provided in the form of offline training at partner business locations. The results obtained from the four partner production lines, namely uniforms, screen-printed t-shirts, bedding and party clothes, only the uniform production line is in a position that can still be maintained because in this position there is relatively a lot of cash and does not require large costs. However, on the contrary, with screen-printed t-shirt, bedding and party clothes production lines, partners have to re-evaluate their business and have to restructure for the sustainability of the partner's business. In this position, the partner production line has a low market share and does not have the potential to generate much cash.</p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PEMANFAATAN KECERDASAN BUATAN MENCIPTAKAN PRODUK GANTUNGAN KUNCI SALAD BOZ 2024-03-12T11:43:02+00:00 Cokki Angely Olivia Putri Fransisca Tiffany Santrista Wijaya Yenny Natalya <p><em>This community service aims to enhance brand awareness for our partner, Salad Boz, a healthy culinary business. Team observations reveal that Salad Boz's promotional media lacks appeal and tends to be monotonous, failing to captivate consumer attention. To address this, the PKM team collaborated with the business owner to create engaging promotional media, specifically keychains with the Salad Boz logo created using artificial intelligence. The creative process includes conceptual planning, image creation, editing, and implementation. Although the design of the keychains involves artificial intelligence, human assistance remains essential. The PKM team also advises the partner to actively monitor current developments and explore other appealing promotional strategies for future marketing endeavors.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PEDULI PENDIDIKAN ANAK JALANAN BERSAMA SAHABAT GROGOL 2024-03-12T11:46:57+00:00 Janice Nathania Amin Wijoyo <p><em>This paper investigates the vital role of education in improving the well-being of street children, with a focus on enhancing their educational opportunities and outcomes. Street children, who are frequently marginalized and disregarded, encounter a range of obstacles that impede their access to high-quality education, including financial constraints, societal biases, and a lack of formal identification. The paper delves into the various challenges faced by street children, including economic limitations, social prejudices, and the absence of formal identification. The central message conveyed is that collaborative initiatives between Sahabat Grogol and Tarumanagara University aim to enhance educational accessibility. This is realized through the implementation of several activities in early childhood education institutions, such as introducing letters and numbers, fostering literacy skills, engaging in creative tasks like decorating doughnuts, and participating in physical exercises.</em> <em>The implementation method of the Community Service Program (PKM) involves face-to-face interactions and demonstrates results that have an impact on street children, such as the ability to read, write, improve motor skills, and enhance creativity.</em><em> Furthermore, the paper underscores the substantial role these children play in contributing meaningfully to society. By investing in education and promoting collective efforts, the objective is to empower street children to construct a more promising and sustainable future for themselves.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas MENGOPTIMALKAN PEMBELAJARAN AKUNTANSI DASAR MELALUI PEMBUATAN VIDEO EDUKATIF 2024-03-12T11:49:28+00:00 Emilie Monique Bonal Amin Wijoyo <p><em>This activity aims to improve accounting education by introducing a video-based learning approach that emphasizes understanding the basics of accounting, specifically through the book "Introduction to Accounting Study Guide" and the "Introduction to Accounting" module. Traditional education methods at school involve face-to-face interaction with Tarumanagara University lecturers and students. However, this research presents a new approach by creating learning videos that summarize key accounting theories and practical examples. This innovative approach is designed to facilitate a deeper understanding of basic accounting concepts, while ensuring accessibility and smooth learning. The primary goal is to prepare </em><em>to further their academic pursuits at an advanced level</em>.<em> of accounting studies. However, not </em><em>only that, this approach also aims to provide additional understanding for UMKM users in running their business with a strong accounting foundation. By focusing on learning videos, it is hoped that this method can become a useful resource for students and UMKM users, providing better understanding and facilitating the application of accounting concepts in real life. This strategy aims to enhance the standard of accounting education and enhance the capability of UMKM users to efficiently handle their business finances.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PENCEGAHAN HIPERURESEMIA DAN OBESITAS MELALUI SKRINING KADAR ASAM URAT DAN STATUS GIZI PADA DEWASA USIA PRODUKTIF DI JAKARTA BARAT 2024-03-12T11:53:15+00:00 Alexander Halim Santoso Shirly Gunawan Geoffrey Christian Lo I Made Satya Pramana Jaya Valentino Gilbert Lumintang <p><em>Hyperuricemia is a pathophysiological condition associated with chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and cardiovascular and renal diseases. Hyperuricemia is related to lifestyle. Elevated serum uric acid levels can be a marker for metabolic syndrome which generally occurs in adults. So far it is not known what the prevalence of hyperuremia and obesity is among members of the Kodim XXX team and adults of productive age in West Jakarta. Promotion of healthy lifestyles and prevention of disease are fundamental principles behind public health and improving public health. Measuring uric acid levels can prevent acute attacks of gout. Anthropometry is a measurement method used to assess the size, proportions and composition of the human body. The results of anthropometric measurements can be used to assess nutritional status. The target of this activity is the XXX Kodim Team and the adult community of productive age in West Jakarta. The aim of this service is to obtain an overview of uric acid and nutritional status in the Kodim XXX team and adults of productive age so that they can prevent the occurrence of metabolic syndrome in the future.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PELATIHAN JURNAL UMUM PERUSAHAAN JASA KEPADA SISWA SMAN 2 JAKARTA 2024-03-12T11:58:26+00:00 Karin Novena Angela Ferry Adang <p><em>The Service Company General Journal Training at SMAN 2 Jakarta was designed with the aim of providing opportunities for students who are interested in the world of education to act as teacher assistants at school.&nbsp; The main focus of this training is to provide understanding and application of General Journals in recording service company transactions.&nbsp; Through this training, students are invited to be directly involved in recording service company business accounting activities along with the necessary explanations through diaries and related documentation.&nbsp; It aims to provide students with direct experience and real practice in the world of service company accounting.&nbsp; Teaching Assistance at SMAN 2 Jakarta is carried out for approximately 3 months.&nbsp; The methods used in Teaching Assistance are discussion, conventional and question and answer methods.&nbsp; The discussion method is used when giving practice questions to students in groups where students can discuss with their friends and when students have difficulty working, students can ask the author.&nbsp; Conventional methods are used to explain material on a whiteboard or by using a projector.&nbsp; The question and answer method is carried out with students by asking questions when they have finished explaining the material.&nbsp; This training has had a positive impact at the secondary education level, especially at SMAN 2 Jakarta.&nbsp; By involving students in the role of teacher assistants, this training indirectly helps in creating an interactive learning atmosphere.&nbsp; It is hoped that this training can provide a positive boost to students' interest in accounting and business, as well as provide a sustainable contribution to curriculum development at SMAN 2 Jakarta.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas EKSPLORASI SEMANGAT BELAJAR SISWA - SISWI SMA PELITA KASIH DALAM MEMPELAJARI AKUNTANSI 2024-03-12T12:01:16+00:00 Coroline Putri Tanjung Amat Emillia Sastrasasmita <p><em>The research conducted aims to explore students' motivation in learning accounting, which is a crucial aspect in understanding the factors influencing their academic achievement. The research methodology employed is qualitative, involving the use of questionnaires and students' opinions. The findings of the research indicate that internal factors such as intrinsic interest, conceptual understanding, and self-confidence significantly influence students' motivation. Additionally, environmental support, such as innovative and interactive teaching methods, as well as positive relationships with instructors, were also found to play a crucial role in enhancing learning motivation.The results of this research provide a deeper understanding of how to create a learning environment that motivates students and shapes their enthusiasm for developing interest and skills in accounting. The implications of these findings can be utilized by educators and policymakers to enhance the quality of accounting education at various levels.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PEMBERIAN MASKER GRATIS SEBAGAI LANGKAH PREVENTIF TERHADAP DAMPAK SERIUS POLUSI UDARA DI JAKARTA 2024-03-12T12:06:12+00:00 Adinda Herzani Amin Wijoyo <p><em>This research analyzes the health and economic impacts of air pollution in Jakarta Province, Indonesia, with a focus on the initiative to provide free masks as a preventive measure. In dealing with high levels of air pollution, the methods used include analysis of study areas, evaluation of exposure data, production of campaign videos to care about air pollution, and distribution of free masks. Specific findings demonstrate the significant impact of air pollution on public health, especially on respiratory diseases and the economic burden it causes. The initiative to provide free masks is a concrete step in protecting public health from air pollution. The community's positive response shows the potential long-term impact on environmental awareness and health. This article emphasizes the importance of preventive efforts based on understanding the health and economic impacts of air pollution, which not only provide short-term protection but also raise awareness of environmental and health problems in the long term.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PELATIHAN BUKU BESAR DI SMA NEGERI 2 JAKARTA 2024-03-12T12:09:16+00:00 Friska Theresia Ferry Adang <p><em>The Ledger Training at SMA Negeri 2 Jakarta is structured to provide opportunities for students who are interested in education to act as teacher assistants at school. This training aims to increase students' understanding of the concepts and skills related to ledgers in the field of accounting. The teaching assistance program was implemented at State High School 2 Jakarta from 14 August 2023 to 3 November 2023. SMA Negeri 2 Jakarta is a superior state high school located in Taman Sari, West Jakarta. This research uses a cooperative approach in the form of discussion and analysis of student responses to evaluate the effectiveness of assistance in designing interesting and meaningful learning. In cooperative teaching methods, students work together in groups to achieve learning goals. By using cooperative methods, students can learn to work together, share ideas, and overcome challenges together. The results of Teaching Assistance at SMA Negeri 2 Jakarta can be seen in the increase in interpersonal skills and self-confidence of SMA Negeri 2 Jakarta students. The process of interacting with teaching assistants can improve students' communication, collaboration and problem-solving skills. In this way, the MBKM program not only has an impact on students' academic achievement, but also forms individuals who are better prepared to face challenges in the world of education and careers with greater self-confidence. The results of this Teaching Assistance activity include the MBKM report and the 2023 Serina VII Registration Form.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PELATIHAN CHART OF ACCOUNT DI SMA NEGERI 2 JAKARTA 2024-03-12T12:14:33+00:00 Marcella Audrey Rennath Ferry Adang <p><em>Training on the Chart of Accounts at SMA Negeri 2 Jakarta, focusing on analyzing financial literacy issues. Understanding the chart of accounts is a crucial foundation for students' financial literacy. The need for understanding the chart of accounts is often insufficient in various public schools, including SMA Negeri 2 Jakarta. The activity focused on grasping the fundamental concepts, including definitions, structures, and applying the chart of accounts in the financial education. The results of this phase assisted students in preparing financial information integrated into the chart of accounts to compile accurate financial statements. Financial literacy analysis was conducted at SMA Negeri 2 Jakarta, concentrating on students' awareness of the chart of accounts in managing personal and organizational finances. The findings revealed that understanding the chart of accounts positively contributed to students' financial literacy. This activity involved mentoring in understanding the chart of accounts. Positive results indicated promising progress, with the hope students' financial literacy at SMA Negeri 2 Jakarta could be significantly enhanced. This research provides a concrete overview of the implementation of chart of accounts training at the secondary education level, offering insights into the context of financial education and the role of the chart of accounts in improving students' financial literacy. The activity is successful based on the positive responses from students’ evaluations at the end of the sessions. The implications of the activity include the development of accounting skills by students, increased value for the school as a partner, and marketing benefits for Tarumanagara University.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas TRANSAKSI KAS DAN BANK DENGAN SOFTWARE ACCURATE BAGI SMA KRISTOFORUS 1 2024-03-12T12:16:42+00:00 Verawati Denny Jeferry C <p><em>Cash and banks are part of company assets that can be used in operational activities to earn profits. Good management of cash and banks can show the certainty of company's cash flow in the future. Therefore, accurate and precise accounting records are needed for every transaction related to cash and banks. The use of trusted accounting software is necessary to make it easier to record company transactions in order to produce reliable reports. Apart from that, the skills of human resources who operate accounting software also need to be trained and improved. The problem faced by Kristoforus 1 High School is that they want to provide accounting software skills related to cash and bank transactions to students who take accounting extracurriculars. The solution provided by the PKM team is to provide cash and bank transaction training using Accurate software. The training was carried out face-to-face at the computer room of Kristoforus 1 High School on 17 and 22 November 2023. The material presented included theory about cash and banks, then followed by cash and bank transactions that were directly inputted into Accurate software. The training activities went well, where students participated actively, understood the material provided, and were able to answer the quiz questions given correctly.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas GAMBARAN FAKTOR RESIKO PENYAKIT KARDIOVASKULER DI GEREJA HKBP VILLA DUTA BOGOR JULI 2023 2024-03-12T12:22:25+00:00 Sari Mariyati Dewi Nataprawira Hans Sugiarto Jonathan Hadi Warsito Fladys Jashinta Mashadi <p>Currently, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are of particular concern to the government, because they are the highest cause of death throughout the world in general, in Indonesia in particular. Cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and Cerebrovascular disease are the highest cases among other NCDs. Hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and hyperuricemia are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Life style like lack of activity, high fat, calorie and tasty foods consumption are factors that increase the occurrence of NCDs. Bogor, with around 123 million population, in 2020 found of 53,635 cases of hypertension&nbsp; and 19,694 diabetes mellitus. This incidens is higher compared to 2019 data and will increase every year. HKBP Church, Villa Duta, Bogor City, with a congregation of 154 families, is also who are at risk of experiencing cardiovascular disease. Church leaders want to help the government in reducing the incidence of NCDs with starting by holding free examinations for congregants and local residents. The aim of this activity is to obtain an overview of the risk factors in church congregations and local residents so that education can then be provided according to the results of the examination. The method of PKM activities is to carry out blood pressure checks, capillary blood tests in blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid level. Results: There were 70 participants who underwent the examination, 71.4% were female, 57.1% blood pressure examination were&nbsp; high, 44.9% blood sugar level are high and 62.9% uric acid level within normal limits. Conclusion The HKBP church congregation and surrounding residents are at risk of developing cardiovascular disease, especially if they do not change their lifestyle.</p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PEMBEKALAN PENYUSUNAN BUKU BESAR DI SMK YP IPPI PETOJO DALAM RANGKA KEGIATAN MBKM 2024-03-12T12:31:16+00:00 Dewi Amalia Liana Susanto <p><em>The "Merdeka Belajar-Merdeka Kampus" policy was introduced in January 2020 to improve higher education in Indonesia. The program was implemented at SMK YP IPPI PETOJO in Jakarta, involving Tarumanagara University students who provided teaching assistance, specifically on service company ledger preparation. The objective was to analyze the impact of teaching assistance on student understanding and improve learning effectiveness. This program benefits students, teachers, schools, and students, with the hope of providing a sustainable positive impact in the world of education. During the three months of MBKM Teaching Assistance at SMK YP IPPI PETOJO, students as facilitators used structured steps in identifying the difficulties of class X Accounting students in understanding the preparation of service company ledgers. To overcome this problem, the author uses varied teaching methods by compiling materials such as power points, "K-pop" case studies, and Quizziz for evaluation. In addition, students also involve students in interactive interactions, and regular evaluations are carried out to improve the quality of learning at SMK YP IPPI PETOJO. The results showed a high evaluation with an average score of 4.31 out of 5, concluding that this teaching assistance was successful in increasing knowledge about the preparation of service company ledgers. The MBKM Teaching Assistance Program at SMK YP IPPI PETOJO succeeded in having a significant positive impact on class X Accounting students. High ratings of the effectiveness of teaching practice, the role of teaching assistants, and improved student understanding reflected the success of the program with an average score of 4.28 out of 5. The potential for future development and sustainability of the program was recognized, with an emphasis on diversifying teaching methods and utilizing student feedback.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PERANAN RELAWAN PAJAK SAAT PENDAMPINGAN PELAPORAN SPT TAHUNAN ORANG PRIBADI BERBASIS E-FILING DI KPP PRATAMA JAKARTA TAMANSARI 2024-03-12T12:34:10+00:00 Callista Vieoletta Purnamawati Helen Widjaja <p><em>The Tax Volunteer activities at KPP Pratama Jakarta Tamansari with a one-month duration starting from 1 March 2023 to 31 March 2023, are carried out with the aim of increasing public awareness and understanding regarding tax obligations, especially in filling out and reporting individual Annual Tax Returns via e-filing. Apart from assisting in the filling process, Tax Volunteers also play a role in providing education about taxation and assistance in ratifying the Population Identification Number (NIK) as a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP).</em> <em>The benefits of this activity are many, some of which are gaining new experience in the field of taxation as well as training communication skills by providing education about taxation and assisting taxpayers when reporting their Annual Tax Returns via e-filing. </em><em>This interaction not only increases taxpayer compliance, but also creates an environment that supports the adoption of e-filing which has a positive impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of the reporting process. The results of this research can be used as a basis for designing a more focused strategy for utilizing the role of tax volunteers, with the aim of increasing the success of e-filing based tax reporting in the future.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas PENINGKATAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEPUASAN KONSUMEN PADA PENJUALAN FASHION X 2024-03-12T12:37:30+00:00 Ferry Fernando Rini Tri Hastuti Louis Utama <p><em>Improving service quality in the fashion industry has become a priority in efforts to increase customer satisfaction. This research seeks to identify key factors that influence service quality and explain their impact on customer satisfaction. The research methods used in this research include customer surveys and data analysis to examine customer perceptions of the quality of service provided by retailers. The research results show that aspects such as acceptance, trust, empathy, product safety and reliability play an important role in determining service quality. Additionally, the research includes implementing staff development, training, and information technology initiatives to improve operational efficiency and respond more quickly to customer needs. By leveraging new technology, businesses can improve customer interactions, provide personalized shopping experiences, and simplify the purchasing process. With the implementation of these changes, it is hoped that there will be a significant increase in customer satisfaction. Improving service quality is expected to increase customer loyalty, open opportunities for repeat business and support long-term business growth. This research provides valuable information for those in the fashion industry to identify areas that need improvement to ensure better service and customer satisfaction. Additionally, this research provides a basis for further research and ongoing efforts to improve the quality of work and conditions in the fashion industry. What services does Fashion X &nbsp;provide to customers and how can the quality of Fashion X services increase customer satisfaction, and what is the system for measuring customer satisfaction regarding the quality of Fashion X services? By using five SERVQUAL indicators, namely Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy, and listening to criticism and suggestions from customers</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas MEMBANGUN KONSEP DIRI UNTUK MENGATASI KECEMASAN BERSEKOLAH SISWA KORBAN PERUNDUNGAN DI SEKOLAH DASAR 2024-03-12T12:43:54+00:00 Agoes Dariyo Michael Housen Ezra Andrianputra <p><em>Elementary school students who experience school anxiety are triggered by past experiences due to their psychological trauma as victims of bullying from their school friends. This article aims to examine community service related to developing self-concept to overcome school anxiety among victims of bullying in elementary school students. The method for implementing PKM activities is the one-group pre-test post-test technique. The number of participants was 31 students, but after screening to obtain data on students who experienced anxiety about going to school, 11 students were obtained who were anxious about going to school. A total of 11 students were involved in developing self-concept and 20 students were not involved in developing self-concept. Data were collected by distributing school anxiety questionnaires and self-concept questionnaires. Data analysis technique using mean test calculations. The result is that the pre-test score for school anxiety is (3.545) with the post-test score for school anxiety (3.209), meaning that developing self-concept can reduce school anxiety for elementary school students. So students who are victims of bullying who participate in self-concept development are able to reduce school anxiety.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas EVALUASI REALISASI PANDUAN RANCANG KOTA KAWASAN CIKINI SUB KAWASAN 1 DAN 2 2024-03-12T12:47:23+00:00 Nina Carina Elisha Hartawidjaja Pricilia Angel R.M Kelly Angrica Annisa Diva Stephen Chen <p><em>The city of Jakarta as the National Capital is always growing and changing.</em> <em>To control and manage this the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has a tool in the form of a-Urban Design Guidelines (UDGL) as stated in DKI Jakarta Provincial Governor Regulation number 147 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for Preparing Urban Design Guidelines. UDGL was prepared as a strategy to implement quality policies on urban design and urban architecture. UDGL guides urban design actors, including urban planning and design expertise, developers, private sectors, and other parties, to create a common perception and consistency with local governments. The large number of actors who play a role in the development of the city of Jakarta, as well as the very rapid changes in city development, are challenges in realizing physical development by the UDGL.</em> <em>The 2030 DKI Jakarta Provincial Spatial Planning Plan has designated the Cikini Area in Central Jakarta as one of the central system activities of the Central Jakarta Administrative City. As a guide, what is stated in the UDGL document can be implemented completely as stated, but it can also only be implemented partially. The evaluation of the City Design Guide for the Cikini Region Sub Regions 1 and 2 aims to assist the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in seeing the suitability of the guideline with the implementation of the development that is taking place. </em><em>By using descriptive-analytical-comparative methods, the research produced direct observation results in the field which were compared with the aspects contained in the UDGL and other supporting documents. The results of the study purposed to be a review to help the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government see the suitability of development to determine steps for the next UDGL.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas TELAAH TERHADAP PENERAPAN PANDUAN RANCANG KOTA KAWASAN CIKINI PADA SUB KAWASAN 3 DAN 4 2024-03-12T12:55:57+00:00 Maria Veronica Gandha Jeremiah Enrico Jessica Meidana Wenni Tanesa Mischa Patricia Kelvin Lukardi <p><em>The change in the status of the National Capital from Jakarta to East Kalimantan has had an impact on the arrangement of urban spaces in Jakarta. The city of Jakarta is planned to become a trade and services city. Flood management, spatial planning, and traffic jams are the 3 main things that the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta concentrates on. Changes and development of cities have been thought about by creating urban spatial planning or what is often called the Urban Design Guideline (UDGL) or City Design Guide (PRK). The city government implies that every 5 years, this City Design Guide must be re-evaluated by looking at developments and changes that occur. This PKM tries to contribute by participating in evaluating the realization of the City DesignGuide in Jakarta. The focus of the PRK observations taken is the Cikini RegionPRK which has been stipulated in Gubernatorial Regulation No. 98 of 2020. The development of the region's vision as a center for trade and services, as well as a city-scale historical cultural tourism center integrated with mass public transportation, needs to be seen. The Cikini Region PRK evaluation is divided into 3 PKM activities which focus on sub-regions 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6. This PKM will focus on sub-regions 4. The method used is a descriptive-comparative analysis by comparing the government's plans in the RPK content with real conditions in the field. Data were collected using literature review and survey methods and then continued with comparative analysis methods, evaluating the truth of what happened so that later conclusions could be drawn. It is hoped that this PKM can become a pilot project with partners in producing an evaluation book as input for the next Cikini Region PRK</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas TELAAH TERHADAP PENERAPAN PANDUAN RANCANG KOTA KAWASAN CIKINI PADA SUB KAWASAN 5 DAN 6 2024-03-12T13:01:43+00:00 Mekar Sari Suteja Stefani Jennifer Setiawan Adinda Veronica Amnah Birgitta Cindy <p><em>The Cikini area in Menteng District, Central Jakarta is one of the areas that is expected to become an urban tourism magnet in Jakarta. This area has been planned to become an urban art center and creative hub area with several potential tourist attractions such as historical buildings, educational and cultural buildings, as well as various arts programs.</em> <em>According to Regional Spatial Planning Regulation (RTRW) for DKI Jakarta Province 2030, this area has been designated as one of the central system activities of the Central Jakarta Administrative City. However, the Cikini area still has the spatial characteristics of its old area. There are many places with memories which are still exist today.</em> <em>The issuance of the Draft Law Nusantara National Capital (IKN) has had an impact on changing the function of the City of Jakarta from The capital becomes the Special Region of Jakarta. The relocation of the capital must be adapted to developments occurring in the spaces of the city of Jakarta, including the Cikini area. An actual Urban &nbsp;Design Guidelines (UDGL) must also be evaluated every 5 years. Since the enactment of Gubernatorial Regulation No. 98 of 2020 concerning the UDGL Cikini, it has been 3 years since the plan was implemented and its realization should be monitored. Through descriptive-analytical-comparative methods, the Community Service team tries to see the real conditions and problems that exist in the field. It is hoped that this Community Services can help the Government to see and observe directly changes and developments in the Cikini area so that it can become evaluation material for the revision of the 2025 Cikini Urban Design Guideline.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Serina Abdimas